View Full Version : Can anybody tell me if HER2+ tumours...

03-27-2004, 07:56 AM
are less responsive to chemotherapy treatments than HER2- tumours?

Thanks, love Ally xx

03-27-2004, 08:06 AM
It is my understanding that HER2+ tumours are actually somewhat more responsive to chemo than HER- tumours. What makes the final prognosis worse is that HER2+ tumours are not responsive to the apres hormone therapy such as tamoxofin. If the initial chemo fails and the cancer mestastizes then it tends to be more agressive than HER- tumours. ie) If an identical HER2+ and HER- had the same chemo and no other treatment, the HER+ would have a slight advantage. But if you mestastized sp?, then you are definately worse off.