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03-27-2004, 03:20 PM
Like I said in my last post, my Mom was diagnosed at 60 years of age, lobular, medulary and comedio, I believe, Right radical mastectomy, 9/16 lymphs positive...this was 17 years ago and before anyone knew about Her2 factor, so don't know what hers was...her only treatment has been Tamoxifen for 17 YES 17 years...she questions that but has never had a recurrence so they keep her on it.
Me, well diagnosed at 50 with IDC, 7mm tumor, no positive nodes and then recurrence 1 1/2 years later in lymph nodes in the neck...1st time treatment was modified radical mastectomy left side (I tell my Mom we are mirror image twins!) the with recurrence I was given Herceptin only....I will know how well it works when I get my scans this Wednesday.
I also have a cousin diagnosed at 40 with DCIS, also Left mastectomy, no other treatment and has had no recurrence in 10 years.
Hugs to all