View Full Version : vitamin D

04-07-2004, 09:01 AM
My wife, Caryn will be starting radiation and Zometa next week and then will be going onto herceptin after that. There has been so much written recently about the apparent benefits of vitamin D in conjunction with radiation and herceptin, and I was wondering if anyone is taking D supplements and how much. I know the studies are talking about a novel vitamin D analog (D5) but I figure supplements couldn't hurt.

Thank you, Eric

michele u
04-07-2004, 12:43 PM
I asked my radiation oncologist the same thing. He said he has never heard about it. I did alot of research on the net about it. It sounds like the using an analog of the vitamin and mixing it with herceptin and doing injections in the abdomen. I thought about taking vitamin d with my radiation. It can't hurt. But don't take more then 2,000mg a day. Vitamin d can be dangerous in large doses.

04-08-2004, 05:02 AM
Thanks Michele.