View Full Version : Weigh gain

04-11-2004, 11:19 AM
Has anyone been successful in loosing weight once you stopped chemo? I have gained more weight in the past few months then my whole life time and was told that chemo slows down the metabolism. I think mine is stuck at 0 and am wondering if it will ever change. I am out walking but seems to just firm everything up in the legs and hip area. Am wondering how the rest of you are handling this? I didn't have a dress or skirt to wear for church and I couldn't find anything I liked for color in a size that fit. I will have to get my sewing machine out and make some dresses and skirts. Oh well, Easter was still special and it was a great day. Hugs, Sandy

04-11-2004, 12:13 PM
I took steroids when I was having WBR. Gained about 20 pounds. I joined a local walking group and walk 5 km three times a week. Have lost all the weight and then some.

Hugs, well wishes and Happy Easter to ALL,

04-12-2004, 02:41 PM
Hi there, my weight gain was from the steroids, dexamethasone, I looked like a bald pumpkin, and also walked and did no good. Haven't had steroids for about 3 years now but a lot of my weight was fluid also. Lost my hair twice so now I have hair to my shoulders and weigh 68k's, I lost 20 kilo so don't loose heart, I didn't exercise to do it either, so if it is just the drugs no amount of exercise will dump it until you get clean, sounds good doesn't it, we are the legitimate junkies. While on the steroids I never stopped doing things and was up most of the night but still ballooned, so I thought if I am going to put on weight I might as well eat what I want and worry about it later.

Hugs Lyn

04-12-2004, 11:21 PM
I know it sounds petty after going through all this to be concerned with weight, but I also gained 18 lbs on the chemo and really want it gone. I am 4 weeks out from my last Taxotere and have been actively exercising (5-6 times a week) and following my Weight Watchers plan, but last week I actually gained weight. How long does it take for your body to get to a good place where the weight can come off? I never did lose my periods and I thought that was a good thing (weight loss wise and I'm er/pr neg).