View Full Version : skin mets onc visit

04-13-2004, 12:33 PM
Dear All
Hope it is good day for you. I have just returned from the onc - seems to think the bumps are more skin mets - so Navelbine has stopped ( only after 3 weeks or one cycle should we have given it more time). I have to be re staged again ( just did this 6 weeks ago) and then to the surgeon on Monday for another biopsy. We have talked before about the possibility of major surgery - as they keep coming back only round the scar line. This would involve cutting a large piece of skin off anf then a skin graft. It sounds horrible and what if one bump comes back just poutside the scar - but then maybe it will work. What to do - help me please. Seems Xeloda is the next choice but I don't know if this is very successful either.


04-13-2004, 03:06 PM
Hithere, I am the opposite to you, Xeloda worked first on the skin mets near my original scar site but I got another lot down the side of my neck as well as a stubborn lump on my neck wouldn't go the the Navelbine and Herceptin got rid of the both. I guess it is just trial and error because I now have another lump on my neck which was radiated and now trying Herceptin and Carboplatin. I know the Xeloda was hard on my feet and thumbs, I had the maximum doses and had to cut back I couldn't walk for a couple of days. Hope this helps.

Hugs Lyn

04-13-2004, 03:44 PM
Dear lynne
Thanks for the reply. I am hoping the xeloda works for me too. Any consoloations with this like hair growth maybe. I am teary today and feel hopeless but am trying to get back to face it again. Thanks again for reply


04-14-2004, 06:43 AM
This can be very confusing. Each one of us is different. I had a bight red, itchy, burning rash which started from 2 spots near the scar line and extended over most of my chest. Then I started with nodules at the end of the scar line working its way up the scar. This happened during the time I was trying the Herceptin/Navelbine (6 treatments ) then Xeloda for 2 cycles, Miltex for 12 weeks. This covered a period from May to Dec. and the rash was getting worse. We know the first 2 treatment combos didn't work and the Miltex (topical solution from Germany) we think slowed it down but it had progressed too far. I went on Herceptin, Taxol and Carbo and after 2 cycles of a total of 12 weekly treatments it was all gone with clean biopsies! Its a matter of getting the right combo to work. Of these combos the last one that worked was the best for me to tolerate with the least side effects. I don't know about surgery to remove these I know radiation doesn't work perhaps, some have had good luck with it but then everything needs to be burned to the bone!. I wish you good luck in what ever you decide to do. This was my second recurrence for skin mets. My last bone and cat scan was clean so I was dealing only with the skin mets which means its in the lymphatic tissue. Its such a guessing game once we have done the protocol to find the right combo. You will be in my prayers. Hugs, Sandy

04-14-2004, 08:04 AM
Dear Sandy
Thanks for the reply. I am so pleased your combo is working as I know how hard it has been for you.
I hope xeloda works for me - but i guess there are others after that.


04-14-2004, 09:45 AM
Dear Lindaw,
I am sorry that you feel so down right now, but keep hope because there is a combo that will work for you. I am on xeloda & herceptin for 2nd round of skin mets and making progress, just not fast enough (I'm not very patient). If this doesn't Knock them out , next will be Carboplatin Herceptin, & possibly Taxol. I've had so much chemo over the last 4 1/2 yrs. surprized I don't gloe in the dark! Hang in there. Hugs & happy thoughts coming your way. Velva

04-14-2004, 11:31 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with you. It's been really rough for me dealing with these skin mets. Regards, Carol

04-15-2004, 05:23 PM
Hi there, I have to agree with glowing in the dark, I have been doing this since 1998 and I go through fazes where every car I get in and drive breaks down and I end up walking, last time it poured down rain and I had just got my bad news as well, they say rain is god's tears, well we both had a good sob that day.

Hugs Lyn