View Full Version : Follow up scans in Australia

04-17-2004, 06:45 PM
My usual followup is with physical examination only... no bloods or scans unless there are symptoms, though I have learned that tests can/will be done if requested. Like you say, Lauren, it seems not to make any difference to long term outcomes or survival whether mets and recurrences are treated early or late. That doesn't sound very logical, but that's what the research says, and after all, why spend money if there's no data to support doing so. Statistics are of course based on populations rather than individuals, and much of the data relating to these newest treatments so frequently mentioned on this board, are not yet published. All we can do is be watchful and ask when we are worried. I must admit I'm not keen for regular venepunctures or being zapped with radiation unless necessary, thouhg after two weeks of headache (in someone who never gets a headache) I think it's probably a good idea to risk a bit of radiation to settle my concerns. I'm sure it's better to know than bury my head in the sand, as it certainly seems more than logical that small is better than big when it comes to the brain, as it is encased in a solid boney mass which will not accomodate to increasing size without some damage.
An interesting dilemma.
A fine balance between being astute and aware, and potentially neurotic.
But one of my motto's is "Better safe than sorry"
We soldier on.