View Full Version : Learning to Live With Cancer vx Learning to Dir From It !!!!

phil s-r
05-02-2004, 12:51 PM

This is the 1st time I have posted here but was so inspired this weekend I just had to share. I usually post on the caregiver site. Thoughts and replies very much accepted !!

That was a major message from a the Canadain Cnacer Conference here in Sask. this weekend.
2) that cancer treatment is going to have to be a individual thing as no 2 cancers are the same and the drugs effect each person differently as well.
3) that there are over 250 cancers already identified.
4) the BIGGY that people must accept that cancer is an illness like any ohter diesase and that we must see it as a disease in which we can live rather than an illness which must force us to die.
I really liked this as like Diabetes, MS and other major illness since discovery we as a society have learned that YES some may not live long. BUT the majority now can with treatments and proper health, nutrition and attitude we can live a GOOD LONG TIME.
As we don't know when our time is up I aprreciate the new out look !!

phil s-r

05-03-2004, 09:40 AM
This is a great perspective! I've been cultivating it since my recurrence in 2001, and as I enter treatment for the third time I do so knowing that chances are very, very good that I will again be able to reach NED status and - who knows? - still be here for the cure!
Love, Lolly

05-03-2004, 11:01 PM
This has been my philosophy once I got over the initial shock. That was two years ago. Anytime some one asks me how I handle this, I just tell them that I am living with cancer, not dying from it. Being positive is only going to add to our quality of life and I do believe that it also gives us the strength to deal with whatever comes our way. I, too, compared it to being a diabetic.
It doesn't seem so ominous this way. It's part of mind over matter. I just keep telling myself I will get through this.