View Full Version : To Bonnie, Re: Timing of Triple Dose

05-06-2004, 12:37 AM
When I switched to the triple dose, the 1/2 hr. infusion time was carried over also. But I started experiencing frequent headaches which led to a Brain MRI(clear). My nurses told the Genentech drup rep about it, and he said Genentech recommends the 3 weekly be given over the course of at least an hour! We did that and the headaches stopped, so monitor yourself after you switch to the 3 weekly, and if you start having new side effects the nurses may have to slow it down.
Love, Lolly

05-06-2004, 12:46 AM
My wife had a Stage IV recurrance with lung and liver mets. We are NED at this point and have been so since June, 2003. Our Onc intends to keep her on the weekly regimen indefinitely, although he mentioned yesterday that if her remission lasts long enough at one point or another she may want to stop the treatments.

05-06-2004, 01:00 AM
Thanks for the information. Of course I want to do it faster but if it causes side effects, it's certainly not worth the extra 1/2 hour. I'll be watching for any increased symptoms.


Judy Krak
05-06-2004, 02:20 AM
Thank you all for the information. Special thanks to Jeff for laying out a plan to talk to the Dr. It is all very difficult but you all make it so much easier! I've got 4 months to gather info so if anyone has anything to add, please post!