View Full Version : New Trial GW572016 - Yeah & No

05-19-2004, 02:06 PM
Hi girls, well I went for my appointment and I probably qualify and a good candidat, but! I am not diseased enough for tracking results, so I need to exhaust all other efforts first, hopefully I will never need it but if I feel I do the onc gave me a card to contact them because the trial is going for about 2 years, so now what next you say, trying weekly Herceptin/Carboplatin/Taxol and 10 doses of radiation to my neck, I am classed as only having local disease, sounds good to me. I have been on 3 weekly triple herceptin with carboplatin and this has just stalled my lump not got bigger but not got smaller either but playing havoc on my neck for pain pressing on nerves. Will keep you all advised.
Love & Big Hugs Lyn

05-19-2004, 09:00 PM
Here is sending warm and good thoughts your way as you go through all of this....the mets in the neck are a pain in the *%&!!!

05-19-2004, 11:21 PM
Well, I guess there are worse things than being told you don't have enough disease to qualify! So that's good, and hope the addition of Taxol will turn the tide against that pesky neck node.
Love, Lolly

05-21-2004, 06:54 AM
Dear Lyn
I was also interested i this trial but they are not lcoating it in Albury so was willing to travel to Sydney each 3 weeks. I was to start xeloda but had to wait to see if they were going to do surgery.Lucky for me - now they are opening ( we think , hope are half certain ) a trial for the GW thingy with xeloda in Albury wodonga and so will wait ( could take a few weeks) and go on that . Did you have xeloda - I can't remember.


05-22-2004, 09:53 AM
Hi there, I had xeloda for skin mets to the scar area on my chest, but still ended up with skin mets behind my ear while on it and Navelbine got rid of it, but now with my new enlarged neck I have skin mets again and that area was radiated in February deep in the neck so this time being radiated from the outer, beats me how we can get radiated through the neck and bypass what is on the surface, I know when I had my first rads after surgery done, they placed small blocks on my chest which was to make the rads hit my chest on the surface instead of missing them,sounded logical at the time, so hopefully this time, even though I dread it, my neck will be a crispy critter like it was on the left breast side, I look at it this way I get rid of a few wrinkles in the process with the radiation peel.

Love & Big Hugs Lyn

05-22-2004, 10:13 AM
Hi Lolly, I hope so, I can't wait until Thursday, I don't know if it is my imagination but it feels like the hardening of the skin is creeping down to my Port, but if I accidently turn my head left, I get an excruciating pain up through the ride side at the back of my head, so bad I nearly feel sick, pressing on a nerve, one thing I know that area is still alive. Talk to you soon.

Love & Hugs Lyn