View Full Version : skin mets in the form of nodules

05-16-2004, 05:18 AM
I recently had a lump, a small, prob. 5mm nodule removed and biopsied from my chest, to the left of my right mastectomy scar. It was found to be a skin met, which I already knew. At the tip of the scar, I also feel a couple or few nodules. I also have slightly swelled lymph node, one very small and soft, in my left axilla, and possibly (not sure) there could be one in my neck, very slight. I am going out of town for a consultation because I live in a small town and cannot get a good second. This is not my first recurrence. My first was in 2002, with lung mets, pleural eff. and possibly bone. I never had a bone scan, but in December of 2003, a mere 5 months ago I had a PET and a CT scan, and they were both negative. I was on Herceptin and Taxotere/carbo, heve been since May 2003. Started in May, had three treatments, then had surgury to my lung, took off 10 weeks to recover. In that time, the tumor marker dropped from 200 to 70. Went back on the regimine in July and have been on it since then.
Now what? I will admit, I am scared. I have had a relatively stable 11 months. I feel like this cancer is taking me over again, like a noxious weed. The site from my thorocotomy is always stiff and sore. Breathing is alright, been off oxygen for almost a year, but the diaphragm doesn't expand in that area, supposedly because of scarring---but I am always suspicious. But I am more concerned with the next step in dealing with this. A specific question I have is, what is the difference between skin mets that are more like tumors or nodules, that is, deeply under the skin like cysts, and the kind that are more externalized, like some I have seen that are like sores or more on the outside? Mine are the former.
Are they treatable, and how are they treated? Does hyperthermia or any kind of radiation help this? I am eager to hear some answers about this.

05-16-2004, 08:37 AM
Hi there, your symptoms seem much like mine have been since 1998, not that it will take you that long to get it under control it is just that I have had to wait this long to find the right combination. Lymph glands to the neck can be treated with radiation, I had some skin mets on the chest treated with Xeloda, then another lot and enlarged glands treated with Herceptin and Navelbine. I also had some neck glands treated with Aromasin (oral soemwhat like Tamoxefin)I am due to have some more radiation on my next this week also the day before I am due to go to one of our large hospitals to see if I can be on the new trial drug which is better than Herceptin and Tamoxefin, so I just have to wait and see and hopefully your right combo comes up next.

Big Hugs Lyn

05-16-2004, 11:21 AM
Hi Suzanne: I have had 2 recurrence of skin mets in the form of rash, and nodules. They are very treatable but it may take trying a few combos to get the right one. Taxol works great for me. They put it with Herceptin because there is no way of knowing if it helps the Taxol or not and the docs do not want to waste time not using it. Herceptin alone doesn't work for me. The last recurrence I had Taxol,Herceptin and carboplatin. 12 weekly treatments and they were gone. Unless you are out of the USA its my understanding hyperthermia is used with radiation. This is the only way insurance will pay for it here. It may have changed. Radiation for me was a disaster. I was reading that unless the radiation burns the chest down to the bone its not effective. Have you asked about some scar softening treatments. I have a skin graft to the chest wall and I have this done for comfort measures. My husband has been showed how to do it for me. I get it done through the lymphedema clinic. I hope this helps. Hugs, Sandy

05-16-2004, 02:00 PM
I had skin mets exactly as you describe them, along with one area of rashy skin which was biopsied, and lymph node mets in neck, collarbone and right axilla(opposite side of original dx.) I started weekly Navelbine/Herceptin and was NED 6 months later. The skin nodules were the first to go, so keep your hope alive. I just started back on Navelbine for 2nd recurrence to lymphs, after over 3 years NED.
Love, Lolly

05-23-2004, 02:30 PM
Hi there, I just had a question as to what exactly is Navelbine? I've heard it used on here a couple of times. I am currently on Xeloda with Herceptin infused once every three weeks. My Xeloda is taken 2150mg in the am and 1650mg in the pm. I had skin mets to area of origination, mets to lymph nodes under left arm and under right arm. The Xeloda seems to have shrunk nodes under both arms and I can only pray that it will prevent mets to an organ but, don't really know if that is possible. Would Navelbine be an option for me. I have IBC and I'm HER2Pos.