View Full Version : Sugars, carbs, insulin ...

Steph N
06-28-2004, 03:41 AM
As for sugar - it's not as simple as glucose levels, and it's not just processed" sugar. To your body and your pancreas, natural sugars in fruits are handled very much the same way as sugar from the sugar bowl. "

This is a quote that echos the words of one of my infusion nurses - when it all breaks down, the body sees it the same way on a cellular level.
Being a lover of carbs and sweets (often in combination !!), I have never overdone it, but have to have something just about every day, even if it is one "organic" cookie or some peanut M&Ms.
My husband is diabetic and must have a certain balance of foods each day. He MUST have some starchy thing, some veggies, some fruits and some protein in low fat forms. I eat pretty much as he does, and this serves me well in controlling weight and my cancer. No need for Dr. Atkins, South Beach or other "diets."

06-28-2004, 04:06 AM
I have no idea how helpful it is, but I definitely am trying to keep the useless carbs to a minimum - ie. staying away from white bread, candy, etc. Of course, it's a lot easier to stay away from white bread than from candy. The positive of this is that I am COMPLETELY down to my pre-diagnosis weight. Now, if I can just get those last 5-8 pounds off to bring me back to my personal ideal...

Steph N
06-28-2004, 08:07 AM
Keeping "useless" carbs to a minimum is probably what they used to call "empty calories."
I have been trying to watch those since the late 70's when I became aware of what that was, and stick with the whole grain breads, and minimize on things like chips and fries. We NEVER eat fast food and almos NO pre-prepared entrees from the freezer. I start with fresh food and do a lot of steaming, sauteing and broiling.
Good luck with those last few pounds. I am trying to keep the "calorie creep" to a minimum, but the metabolism does not work as fast, so the intake must be less!

06-28-2004, 08:44 AM
tell me about it....i can't eat much more than 1200 calories per day now, whereas i used to snack all day long....:(