View Full Version : back from Scotland

Sherry in WV
06-28-2004, 11:03 PM
HI, we madeit back from Scotland, after lying my father to rest. I almost did not make it. My white count when I left was 0.8 and hgb was 9. Amegen(?) gave me neupogen to take over with me.
This was after a battle with the insurance company. This was on Friday and I was scheduled to fly out Sun. Service for Daddy were set for Tuesday. The insurance co. in all its wisdom will not let me self inject, I am a nurse, husband is a paramedic and 2 nurses and a doctor was on the trip with us. After fighting tooth and nail, one of the great nurses at the onc. center got Amegen to donate 7 vials of neupegen.
I just thought you all might want to know how generous they were.
I am now on Mavelbine. It makes me tired and my counts drop. But I am still fighting and so very grateful to God and my family for helping me get to Scotland and back safely.

06-29-2004, 12:41 AM
My smpathy on the passing of your father. How wonderful to hear that you were able to make it to Scotland for this important event. Your strength has proven that being motivated and determined works.

06-29-2004, 12:45 AM
I'm so sorry for the loss of your father. And sorry, too, that the insurance co. made a very difficult time even tougher. But you're obviously a fighter, one I'm sure your father was proud of.

Love and light,


06-29-2004, 01:50 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about your father, and your low counts and battles. I will keep your family in my prayers.

06-29-2004, 07:53 AM
Sherry, my condolences on the passing of your father.

Glad you were able to make it to Scotland & back. Apparently, you're not alone in this battle!

Right, sisters? :-)

Take good care of yourself. Hugs

06-29-2004, 01:19 PM
Your dad would be proud of you, fighting and winning, and able to take him to his resting place. I'm glad you shared this with us, because it helps us all to remember that one has to carry on with the events of living everyday, even when we have great sorrow, otherwise we might not fully appreciate the great joys still in store for each of us. Take care of yourself, and keep us posted on how you're doing.
Love, Lolly