View Full Version : Rose,

04-20-2004, 12:24 AM
Patty D and I both live in Minnesota. Our new CyberKnife Center is in St Paul.

Both procedures, any brain procedures, are done in conjunction with a neurosurgeon. But radiation doctors and physicists are also involved.

The machines are different. The technology is a bit different. The dosages may be a bit different. Otherwise, they all use CT scans, MRI's and specialized software in setting up and deciding on HOW to administer the radiation.

Perhaps the noise from the machines is differnt. some noisier than others. But they all seem to have some ability to move around you in order to adjust for delivery.

I was dx'd with brain mets in Sept. '02. I guess I have had time to 'get used' to it. Was not always so 'calm', trust me! I have all my funeral arrangements made, obituary prepared, music etc etc etc.

I have had 16 tumors treated and currently as far as I know, they have all been reduced to nothing, or atleast the latest six are shrinking as we speak. I am NED in the rest of my body from bc.

Last week my pap test came back with cancer cells. So that is my 'newest' concern and focus. Always something.

Hope this helps,
hugs, pattyz

THank you so much for your response. It is most helpful. May I ask what part of the country you are in and where you had your cyberknife? Are both procedures done by a neurosurgeon? Is the only difference between the two, the way you are immobilized or is there some difference in the way the radiation is given?

I appreciate your help. One last question, how do you manage to stay calm in the face of such scary stuff?

05-03-2004, 09:11 PM
Did you know I have had three seperate SRS procedures over a period of 16 months treating 10 brain mets??

Then I had two back to back CyberKnife treatments for another 6 brain mets.

My last MRI just this past Friday shows all stable, but it has only been two months since CK. The original tumors have disappeared. I expect my next MRI to show shrinkage until finally, gone as well.


07-10-2004, 04:51 AM
I think of you often and was so glad to see your post. This must be so difficult and I'm glad you have a lot of people that are holding you up. If you ever need to chat, please feel free to email me.
