View Full Version : Apples and Oranges - Statistics.

07-16-2004, 10:57 AM
Paul apparently you have the wrong idea about this web site.

We are not here to argue statistics, the results of clinical trials or any other medical aspect concerning treatment. The sole purpose of my post was to try and throw water on what I perceived as a confrontation between visitors to our web site.

There is inherent danger in suggesting that patients take drugs not yet approved by the FDA or out of protocol. I am sure that you are faliliar with the Thalidomide scandal that occured in the 60's or 70's. That should remain as a lesson never to be repeated.

I only quote the generally accepted statistics. The only reason that medical information is posted here is so that the patient can intelligently discuss what she has read here with her oncologist and no other reason.

Neither of us have any formal medical training and thus are completely unqualified to disseminate medical advice to anyone. To do so would be both moraly and ethicly wrong.

The purpose of these message boards is solely for bc survivors and their caregivers to share their experiences or concerns.

Should you desire any statistics from Genentech, I suggest that you contact them directly. Contact information can be found on their website www.gene.com or www.herceptin.com

End Of Discussion

Warmest Regards