View Full Version : The \"list\" and other stuff...

07-19-2004, 11:35 AM
Jojo - TIA = Thanks in advance

Lauren - WOW - I am impressed. I haven't done a handstand since I was 13. I'm dying to know how old you are!

Linda - Here is the list I received of what not to do with my infected arm. When I first received it, I almost asked if they just wanted me to wrap in it a plastic bubble!!

* No blood draws or shots
* No IVs
* No blood pressure
* No manicures
* Avoid cuts, abraisions, insect bites, hangnails, etc. If you get an infection treat it immediately.
* Always use insect repellant on that arm. (This was a favorite of mine....I want to put up a sign saying "bugs - please bit my OTHER arm).
* Keep your arm clean
* Use a thimble when sewing
* Use an electric razor under the affected arm
* Wear protective gloves while using household chemicals, gardening, yard work, etc.
* No vacuuming or raking
* Use sunscreen in the sun
* Avoid oil splash burns and excessive heat, including hot tubs, suanas, etc.
* No tight jewerly, clothing, or gloves
* No shoulder straps (I assume this means no backpacks or frontpack carriers for my kids)
* Loose fitting bras only
* Compression sleeve for long car trips and air flights
* No lifting (10-15 lb max) of heavy packages, luggage, or children
* Talk to a doctor before any strenous activity (e.g. weightlifting, tennis, etc.)

I know what you mean. My kids are 24 lbs and 18 lbs respectively. I lift each of them at LEAST a dozen times a day between high chairs, cribs, and car seats. I try to bear most of the weight on the left arm, but it's not always possible. I miss putting them on my shoulders and swinging them around.

10-21-2006, 03:46 AM
Also there are some exercises you can so to help the lymphs drain. basically it means lifting your arm straight up and pumping the fist also when you're sitting anywhere (in the car for example as a passenger) keep your arm up.
disinfecting a cut or prick quickly is critical or the arm can swell.

10-21-2006, 07:17 AM
I came across this article a month or so ago, when I was trying to read up on lymphedema prevention. I was impressed by the determination of these women, and thought some of you may want to read it. http://www.golfdigest.com/gfw/gfwfeatures/index.ssf?/gfw/gfwfeatures/gfw200409survivors.html


10-21-2006, 07:46 AM
I attend the CURE Forum in DC and purchased the DVD "The Lebed Method, Focus on Healing." It is a DCD expressly for those suffering with Lymphedema. The exercises are easy and can be done either standing or sitting. I try and do it every other day as recommended and it really does make a difference. You could probably do a google search and probably purchase it online. It's great!