View Full Version : follow up brain mri\'s after rads question

08-05-2004, 10:13 AM
I had stereotactic rads to 3 lesions in the brain in May and had my follow up scan today. 2 of the 3 lesions are gone. However, the 3rd one is still there in the cerebellum and is still enhancing though is smaller than the last scan. The rad onc was pleased and said that you can still get enhancement with lesions as they are going through their dying process but I am nervous. Was I unrealistic to hope that they would all be gone by 3 months? This lesion was 5 mm to begin with so wouldn't have rads worked already? Why is it still there?

Any insight from you ladies who are farther out from rads than I would be appreciated.


08-05-2004, 10:49 AM
I'm about to be in your shoes, so I don't know the answer for sure. But from what I understand, radiation continues to work for months. If, however, this one doesn't go away, you can get CyberKnife or GammaKnife to zap the little devil to kingdom come.

Love and light,


08-05-2004, 06:24 PM
But I think I was told that once you have had stereotactic to a lesion, they can't do it again?

08-05-2004, 09:26 PM
Not true, thankfully. I spoke with the neurosurgeon who helped invent CyberKnife. He assured me that after my WBR, if I still needed CyberKnife, I could have it forever if necessary. The same is true with GammaKnife.

Love and light,


08-06-2004, 06:38 AM
Realize that you have gone through the rad- therapy, and maybe this 5mm tumor is coming up as necrotic cells, that is hard to evaluate so soon. Since it has shrunk already, you should see progess next MRI. Radiation sometimes takes longer to work than real surgery, but has a far more desireable effect on the brain.
Have you ever had WBR?
Don't worry so far you're doing great.
Hugs, Christine

Christine to Rose
08-06-2004, 06:49 AM
After reading my post you should realize that having Patience is part of the radiation process. You also should understand that your brain met is in the process of treament from the rads given stereotactically. Don't panic! The same spot should evenually disappear if it was given a good JOLT of rads, and I'm sure it was.

08-06-2004, 03:22 PM
Gee, it is amazing to me what different stories you get from different docs. When I went for my consultations, I saw three different rad oncs. They all said they would not radiate the same spot again with stereotactics because of the increased risk of radiation necrosis. Then the neurosurgeon who put in the bolts, said this was nonsense and disagreed completely. I guess you have to go to a neurosurgeon!

Lisa, may I ask where this doc is who invented cyberknife? I always like to know just in case!