View Full Version : Yippee for you!

Steph N
08-10-2004, 02:19 PM
So you can take the place I might have had if my blood had cooperated with the A2 allele.
Last I heard they were not anyplace near to filling the trial for the reason that so many candidates were not A2. Check on that before stopping your chemo.
Maybe things have changed with the latest candidates having better luck.

08-11-2004, 07:05 AM
Thanks, Steph! I do feel like an explorer, blazing a new trail, and my hope is, if this vaccine is effective Stage 3 trials will be more inclusive of the Her2+ population.
Love, Lolly

Steph N
08-11-2004, 02:13 PM
Lolly -
When you do come up for the initial tests? Please let me know when and we can get together. I live only 20 minutes north of the U of W.
I was there yesterday for a follow-up with my rheumatologist. all my tests but one main one were neg, so we have an "isolated positive" which still does not explain the intermittent swelling in wrists and hands. Ugh! I do not want to be on predesone for all my life for these flareups. He has another thing for me to try and I will get that prescritpion and see if the flareups can be stopped alltogether. I should do a post of this problem! The rheumatologist actually suspects the Herceptin.