View Full Version : To Jerri

Irene from Tampa
02-21-2004, 02:29 AM
Jerri -

I was wondering how you were doing?

Irene from Tampa
05-25-2004, 08:44 PM
Jerri -

It is so good hearing from you but I am so sorry that you are feeling so down. I can certainly relate(I am also into my third time) Jerri, try to remember that you had surgery not long ago so it's understandable that you are not feeling well yet. Please try to stay positive,(and I know that is easier to say then done) but I really feel that is such an important part of recovery. You fight girl, you fight for that family of yours. I think once you start feeling better from the surgery, things will get better. You have been such a strong fighter with everything you have gone through already, please try to get that mental strength back and I just know that everything else will fall into place. You helped me so much in making my decision with the abalation procedure.

Please let me know how you are doing and I am here for you if you ever feel like venting some more. You are not alone.I believe getting our feelings out helps in releaving some of our burden. You can also email me at home (I believe you have my email address)

Take care Jerri

Irene from Tampa
06-24-2004, 07:53 AM
Hi Jerri -

Hope you are doing well.

I just found out that they found another tumor in my liver (only 9 months after RFA) The strange thing is that it is in the same area as before. My surgeon was so confident that he had a good burn around that area. Anyway, I am scheduling for another surgery end of July but this time we are going to resect the half of the right lobe. He feels more comfortable doing this since it recurred in the same area. He say's that this is very rare. But the good side is that they do not see it anyplace else. The stubborn thing just did not give in to the abalation.

My question for you is - and please excuse me if I have asked you this before. When you had your surgery did they resect or abalate the area? Did you have chemo following (I have been on Xeloda since after the surgery) and have you been on Herceptin.

Take care Jerri

Irene from Tampa
09-04-2004, 09:20 AM
Jerri I read your post and I am so sorry to hear they have found two more tumors and so soon after you surgery.

I have to say I know how you feel as I have had four recurrences and once while going through three different chemos that apparently were not working. Since my liver resection six weeks ago I had to have a chest xray do to a cough I have had since I came home from the hospital. Well I have some pleural infusion in my right lung so I am going to have it checked in two weeks. If still there they may have to tap my lung and check to see if any cancer cells in lung. I also feel like my options are dwindling but Jerri, remember there is always something new out there. We just have to have faith that we will find the one that works for us.

I can only imagine how hard it is with you having a young family. Just focus all of your fighting energy on surviving for them.

Please take care and keep me posted on how you are doing. You are always in my prayers.