View Full Version : Port question

09-03-2004, 12:36 AM
I just had my port inserted yesterday (into chest area). They left the catheter (the thing that hooks up to the chemo) in and I received my Navelbine/Herceptin about 3 hours after insertion. They pulled the needle when done and put more steri-strips on and clear tape bandage over that. All looked good last night before bedtime, no bleeding, no protrusion, nothing.

I got up this morning and now it is protruding outward and I have some blood seepage. Onc's office says since it isn't painful and there is no redness or hot to touch, don't worry.

My question is does everyone's port protrude somewhat from their skin? It's probably swelled up or protuded about 1/2 inch since last night.

Any input would be appreciated! I am planning to be out of town for the weekend and would like to avoid trips to ER!

Thanks so much and have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!


09-03-2004, 01:27 AM
Hi cyndi;

Mine did the same thing when it was first installed. The area swelled a bit the next day and I ended up with a pretty nasty looking bruised area....but it did not hurt very much, just sore mostly. It actually took mine about 3-4 weeks before the area looked normal and the port really settled into place.

I would not worry unless it got really painful or very red and hot as the doctor said or you start running a fever.

go have a fun weekend.


09-03-2004, 02:16 AM
Mine swelled up right after insertion. The surgeon said it was due fluid build up that would be re-absorbed by the body.

I'm petite in size, so my port always stuck out on my chest, right up until I had it taken out.

This time around, when I had a port inserted to treat liver mets, they put a port in my right arm, on the inside portion facing my body. I love it! It still shows a lump, but nobody notices it.

09-03-2004, 03:21 AM
I'm not sure about right after (I don't remember). Mine....you can see it sticking out if you look at me from the side (the circular disc sticks up) but not from the front. It's pretty gross - you can feel it all the time just directly under the skin.

al from Canada
09-03-2004, 03:22 AM
My wife has had her port for 10 months and it really protrudes. She has to watch what she wears because it is quite noticable. I think what you descibe is quite normal.
Relax and have a good long weekend,

09-03-2004, 04:01 AM
Hi there,
My sister has had a port for a year now. Initially it was quite sore (a couple of days), but it went away. It defintely protrudes.

09-03-2004, 04:16 AM
Hi Cindy,
I've had my port for a year. It protrudes slightly... you can tell something is there. when I first got it , it bothered me, I would bump it and at one point I was sure it had flipped. But all is well and of course there are days I consider it a beauty mark because it saves me from IV's ... which to me are very unpleasent. The scar heals and the swelling goes down and you soon forget that it is there!!! Have a great weekend! Alicia

09-03-2004, 05:22 AM
Yes, same here. The general area will be swollen for a while, then the swelling will start to go down and all will be good. Mine does still protrude, I can see the outline of the disc under the skin, but I've had bi-lateral mastectomies and have very little fat tissue to provide camouflage!

Linda in Calif.
09-03-2004, 11:04 AM
Hi Cindy: My port always protruded a little and was very sensitive to the touch. It never did get comfortable for me. But I was a special case because I take care of babies and they were always laying their heads on my chest and irritating it. If I ever need a port again I will choose a different spot. Hope you feel better soon. Take Care, Linda

09-04-2004, 04:11 AM
I have had my port in since May, had it accessed about 6 days later and it was fine, but that surgery for me was worse then the two to remove the cancer... they kept me awake and I am a HUGE chicken. The port was tender and I thought something was wrong for about a month, now I really dont feel it but I can see it. The nurses said they put it pretty deep in my chest but I can obviously see the scar above it and a little bump, it is not noticable with tight shirts but if you look at it head on yeah it is there. Good luck with it, I love it and have talked many people int he chemo room into getting it seeing them week after week struggling to find a vein, especially breast cancer patients who can only dig in one arm. Hang in there, keep an eye on it and enjoy the simple poke!

Chere Farr
09-05-2004, 10:48 PM
I have the Bard port for almost 2 years now. Took a lot of thought to decide where I wanted the placement of this port as I am an athelete and also wanted to look nice when I wear lower tops or dresses. My port was placed near my collarbone and hardly noticiable but does have a slight protrusion and always has. I thank God every day for this port which has spared my veins and made my treatments so much easier.