View Full Version : Unofficial poll questions

09-21-2004, 09:09 PM
Wow! What a response from that poll. I am wondering from the ladies that answered the poll was the ER/PR status at initial diagnosis or at recurrence? It is my understanding that at recurrence you will be more likely to be ER/PR- and strongly Her2+. Another question comes to mind that is there a difference in Herceptin working better when you are er/pr+ & her2 + or opposite - Assuming that her2 3+ for everyone.

Now, if everyone would be so kind to respond to this nutrition based poll (most of you know I am a fanatic about nutrition now...wish I was back then!).
1. How many of you preferred to eat chicken based meals over beef to try to maintain healthy weight before diagnosis? Meaning at McDonalds did you go for the chicken sandwich over the burger? At restraunts did you eat a chicken salad over a big steak?
2. How many of you loved cheese and milk based foods?
3. How many were vegetarians? vegans?
4. How many only consumed organic foods before diagnosis?
That's it! Please, please answer!

Have a great day - Ruth

09-21-2004, 10:16 PM
Equal meat vs chicken
lots of canned veggies - some salads
no organic
no milk (lactose intol) little cheese

Did do lots of coffee in the morning then a mid morning coke... lunch was something grabbed and a little more soft drink... dinner was a meat and canned veggies comb with a dessert. That would = lots of sugar and little nutrients. I loved donuts/pasteries and french fries but ate those in what I thought was moderation of once a week.

I was under a lot of stress prior to dx too.

09-21-2004, 10:29 PM
1. How many of you preferred to eat chicken based meals over beef to try to maintain healthy weight before diagnosis? Meaning at McDonalds did you go for the chicken sandwich over the burger? At restraunts did you eat a chicken salad over a big steak?
Equal amounts - not much of either. Not a big meat eater.
2. How many of you loved cheese and milk based foods?
Yes - lots of milk & ice cream too. I was pregnant or nursing for 2.5 years prior to dx, so ate pretty healthy, but lots of milk products as well.
3. How many were vegetarians? vegans?
N/A - But tried to get at least 2 servings of veggies at day at least. Didn't eat a ton of meat, once per day on average.
4. How many only consumed organic foods before diagnosis?

lu ann
09-21-2004, 10:34 PM
I ate alot of sugar, and high fat foods. I was under alot of stress and did not exercise. Cholesterol and Tryglycerides were high.

My mom had premenapausal breast cancer so I was at high risk.

I now try to limit sugar, eat lean meat, chicken, fruits, vegetables, and organic when I can.

I don't think chicken is any better for you to eat then lean meat unless the chicken is organic. If you only saw the living conditions of chickens you would not eat them. They are full of stress hormone from the deplorable conditions they are forced to live in.

I think it's a combination of things that causes us to get cancer. Some of us are weaker and we could do everything to prevent but would get it anyway.

Blessings, Lu Ann.

09-22-2004, 02:56 AM
1. How many of you preferred to eat chicken based meals over beef to try to maintain healthy weight before diagnosis? Meaning at McDonalds did you go for the chicken sandwich over the burger? (usually take the salad) At restraunts did you eat a chicken salad over a big steak?
I ate chicken, pork (about equal amounts) and fish approx once a week. Some beef. Food preferences were heavily influenced by price.

2. How many of you loved cheese and milk based foods? I consumed reasonable portions of dairy. Daily consumption: milk(approx 1 cup), yogurt (approx 1/2 c) and cheese. I eat about 2 L ice cream a month...BAD Girl!

3. How many were vegetarians? vegans? N/A. I consume however a LARGE variety of fresh veg daily. Typical intake @ day = 10 to 15 different veg and grains. Also large variety of fruit. Never eat canned. Rarely, rarely buy frozen. Seldom drink fruit juice. Never drink pop, tea or coffee.

4. How many only consumed organic foods before diagnosis? Never.

09-22-2004, 04:02 AM
I try to abide by the old addage...all things in moderation!! That said occasssionally I will order the steak or burger. I try to limit my meat intake in general! I prefer soy milk to regular skim. I try to eat fruits and veggies. I buy some organic food...I was less concientious before diagnosis but I don't want to spend my days and nights worrying about a perfect diet. I am middle of the road on this subject. alicia

09-22-2004, 05:41 AM
1. How many of you preferred to eat chicken based meals over beef to try to maintain healthy weight before diagnosis? Meaning at McDonalds did you go for the chicken sandwich over the burger? At restraunts did you eat a chicken salad over a big steak?
-Never ate a lot of beef, still don't

2. How many of you loved cheese and milk based foods?
-Like them yes, ate them a lot, no. Never really drank milk, except for in cereal
3. How many were vegetarians? vegans?
-Not either
4. How many only consumed organic foods before diagnosis?

09-22-2004, 06:21 AM
at intitial diagnosis is was strongly her2/neu and er-.
I rarely ate beef, but chicken was not organic. Little milk or cheese.
Just before though, I was drinking a lot of soy shakes for weightloss. Always wondered it that did not set me up. Soy beans are ok but wondering about processed soy.
Just before recurrence, i was a vegan raw fooder,mostly organic. So much for that!
Hugs, Lola

09-22-2004, 06:47 AM
1. I preferred hamburger to chicken sandwich but am not a fan of steaks. Will pass them up for fried chicken.
2. I love cheese and milk products
3. I am and never was vegetarian or vegan.
4.never ate organic foods

09-22-2004, 10:42 AM
1. Mickey D's- equal amnts. but IBS, so opt usually for subway. Raw fruit and veggies do a number on me and Dr. says to eat meat and potatos.
2. Love milk and cheese
3. N/A not a big veg lover.
4. N/A
since reading the message board, I might try shopping at Wild Oats, it's the only really orgainc food store in area. Need Trader Joes' up here.

09-22-2004, 12:10 PM
1. Equal amounts red meat, chicken and vegetarian.
2.Love cheese and milk foods, in fact when our kids were young we had a milk cow so lots of fresh, raw milk and butter and cream, plus raised our own beef from her calves.
3.Not vegetarian but ate vegetarian meals several times a week.
4.Not much organic, but some.