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03-21-2004, 08:41 AM
Yes, Steph, I did read your story...it was heartwrenching, yet heartening to see how you've progressed. I am grateful for this site, and I wish you would have had this site when you needed it a few years ago. It sounds like you're on the ball and living well. Your input is invaluable to everyone who posts or just reads the messages -- thanks so much.

07-13-2004, 09:37 PM
Thanks for the info...I have always been on the 3 week dose, dont take aspirin anymore but my blood seems thinner...or maybe my skin breaks easier....as long as the Herceptin keeps performing its magic, I can tolerate the bandaids!

Steph N
07-14-2004, 09:44 AM
Hey there!
Forgot to mention that I do not now or in recent years take any aspirin. Or any other kind of blood thinner.
I also think that our skin may have been affected by all the chemo - you know it kills all kinds of cells. It seems while on chemo the backs of my hands were always bunged up and my med onc was wondering who I was fighting with!

07-31-2004, 01:13 PM
I think that's very true, and 10 years from now cancer therapy is going to be so incredibly advanced compared to what we see now. I feel very lucky to have the treatments available to us that we do, but research is moving along at breathtaking speed!
Love, lolly

08-12-2004, 05:52 AM
I will definitely keep you posted, it would be great to finally meet face-to-face!
It's interesting your rhumatologist suspects the Herceptin in your arthritis flare-ups, as there's been a lot of discussion on the board in the past about the aches and pains and what Lyn from Australia and I dubbed the "pinball effect"; the focal point of the pains moving around from one treatment to the next. Gosh, hope you don't have to go on Prednisome!
Anyway, will keep you posted...we'll be staying with a friend who lives on 38th Av. NE. Is that anywhere near you or the University?
Love, Lolly

08-19-2004, 02:10 PM
Hi Steph!
This is week 15, so I have 9 weeks to go. I've got a CT next week to assess how the treatment is working, then a repeat at the end of the course. So looks like, if all goes well, I'll be in your neck of the woods towards the end of November. We definitely have to get together!
My high school French is rusty, does "A bientot" mean "a good thing"?
Love, Lolly

08-30-2004, 01:01 AM
Will do, I'll bring the biggest, brightest unbrella I can find!

10-07-2004, 02:12 PM
Ha! I'll have to share this with my family, they'll love it :D

Love, Lolly