View Full Version : Annemarie

06-20-2004, 09:50 AM
I had brain mets twice. The first was 10/02. I was one yr. out from chemo and my hair was growing in and I was feeling good. I began to get headaches and throw up. My psychiatrist sent me for a brain MRI (he tends to be very cautious). My tumor was on the surface also and a single lesion. When I got to the hospital for my surgery they drew some blood. They told me I was pregnant. So we went ahead with surgery but they sugguested (but never said) I should discontinue to pregnancy because I was in need of RT. Luckily for me I did not have to make this discussion because it was made for us. I miscarried the baby at 8 weeks and had treatment. Treatment was locialized and not whole brain (against the recommendation of my RT oncologist). I then went on Temodar. A year later on another scan a tiny lesion showed up. Another crainiotomy and RT. They actually did the bottom of my brain in 2001 and the top half in 2002. I have been NED for 19 mos.. I feel as if I am tempting fate everytime I say this.

10-19-2004, 12:07 PM
You were only 32 at dx? Gosh - I am so sorry....I can relate being 34. Can I ask how long between your primary dx and mets? Also, what was your original stage? Do you have kids? It's tough going through this being young. Most of my friends have no idea what this is all about.