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Old 05-28-2009, 07:37 AM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2006
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the bad and the good

Brain metastases are prevalent in triple negative and HER2-
overexpressing (HER2+) subpopulations, and the incidence of brain
metastases approaches one-third of all metastatic HER2+ patients.
HER2+ status was found to specifically increase brain colonization
2.5-fold to 3-fold, although not affecting tumor cell arrival or intra-
vasation into the brain.

Excitingly, a study of 14C-lapatinib distribu-
tion in a 231-BR xenograft model showed a significant increase of its
distribution to the metastasis over normal brain. Indeed, lapatinib
inhibited the formati on of clinical metastases in HER2/EGFR-
expressing 231-BR cells by 54%, suggesting activity in the adjuvant
setting (2). Current work is examining rational combinations to
elicit synergistic effects with radiation and other targeted agents.

Could we ever get lapatinib cheap enough to be a preventive agent against brain mets adjuvantly?
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Old 05-28-2009, 08:41 AM   #2
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It works on herceptin resistant Her2, blocks additional her receptors..and seems to have less cardiac issues. How long before it becomes first line, much less adjuvant?
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Old 05-28-2009, 11:31 AM   #3
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Also, it is known that if patients have low PTEN expression (which apx 50% of breast cancers do), it can predict a resistance to trastuzamab.

Lapatinib is not affected by low PTEN expression.

NOV 2012 - 9 yr anniversary
JULY 2012 - 7 yr anniversary stage IV (of 50...)

Nov'03~ dX stage 2B
Rt side mastectomy, Her2+, ER/PR+, 10 nodes out, one node positive
Taxotere/Adria/Cytoxan x 6, NED, no Rads, Tamox. 1 year, Arimadex 3 mo., NED 14 mo.
micro mets lungs/chest nodes/underarm node, Switched to Aromasin, T/C/H x 7, NED 6 months - Herceptin only
micro mets chest nodes, & bone spot @ C3 neck, Added Taxol to Herceptin
Feb'07~ Genetic testing, BRCA 1&2 neg

MRI - two 9mm brain mets & 5 punctates, new left chest met, & small increase of bone spot C3 neck, Stopped Aromasin
Started Tykerb/Xeloda, no WBR for now
MRI - stable brain mets, no new mets, 9mm spots less enhanced, CA15.3 down 45.5 to 9.3 in 10 wks, Ty/Xel working magic!
MRI - brain mets shrunk half, NO NEW BRAIN METS!!, TMs stable @ 9.2
scans still show NED in the head, small bone spot on right iliac crest (rear pelvic bone)
MRI shows activity in brain mets, completed 5 fractions/5 consecutive days of IMRT to zap the pesky buggers
dropped Xeloda, switched to tri-weekly Herceptin in combo with Tykerb, extend to tri-monthly Zometa infusion
Brain MRI- 4 spots reduced to punctate size, large spot shrunk by 3mm, CT of torso clear/pelvis spot stable
new 3-4mm left cerrebellar spot zapped with IMRT targeted rads
new 6mm & 1 cm spots in pituitary/optic chiasm area. Rx= 25 days of 3D conformal fractionated targeted IMRT to the tumors.
25 days of low dose 3D conformal fractionated targeted IMRT to the bone mets spot on rt. iliac crest that have been watching for 2 years. Added daily Aromasin back into treatment regimen.
Apr'10~ Brain MRI clear! But, see new small spot on adrenal gland. Change from Aromasin back to Tamoxifen.
June'10~ Tumor markers (CA15.3) dropped from 37 to 23 after one month on Tamoxifen. Continue to monitor adrenal gland spot. Remain on Tykerb/Herceptin/Tamoxifen.
Nov'10~ Radiate positive mediastinal node that was pressing on recurrent laryngeal nerve, causing paralyzed larynx and a funny voice.
Jan'11~ MRI shows possible activity or perhaps just scar tissue/necrotic increase on 3 previously treated brain spots and a pituitary spot. 5 days of IMRT on 4 spots.
Feb'11~ Enrolled in T-DM1 EAP in Denver, first treatment March 25, 2011.
Mar'11~ Finally started T-DM1 EAP in Denver at Rocky Mountain Cancer Center/Rose on Mar. 25... hallelujah.

"I would rather be anecdotally alive than statistically dead."
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