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Old 10-27-2013, 10:30 AM   #42
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Re: Iodine deficiency ! - falling intakes - goitregens - competition bromine and fluo

Another and particularly powerful fluoridealert video; a heartrending plea from a pediatrician.

Iodine / fluoride problems have their largest effect in the young.

Fluoride is accumulated over time in bone and calcified tissue, and provides a background reserve, so even once fluoride intake is reduced there will continue to be releases from calcified tissue and bone.

As I keep stressing to the iodine blocking effects of fluoride in water we can add chlorination, perchlorate, nitrates, bromide, fluoride in tooth paste (a real issue if you do not rinse really well it appears), fluoride in foods . . .

However it is important to keep in mind that fluoride and iodine whilst of the same family have very different sizes and characteristic, so will overall have lots of effects in pathways that are not common. Very high levels of fluoride have been shown to affect a raft of important pathways including reducing energy production, oxidation stress, and affecting immune function. The question is at what intake level do these effects become significant; we do not know, and it is all very complicated because for example you cannot entirely separate the effects of fluoride excess from iodine deficiency.

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