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Old 02-16-2012, 05:30 AM   #33
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Posts: 415
Re: Starting WBR tomorrow...nervous & scared

Hi Everyone~
Thank you all for being with me through these 15 rounds of WBR.
I finished on Tuesday, Valentine's Day, which was a nice day to celebrate.
And so now the 4 week wait for the follow up MRI begins...

I feel like I tolerated the treatment well - no major fatigue, but I do feel off-kilter from the Decadron. I'm weaning off over the
next 15 days, so I'm sort of waiting to see if as the dose decreases some other side effects will reveal themselves.
I hope not. I'm looking forward to these puffy cheeks to go down and start feeling like myself again.
My hair started falling out at Day 10. It's weird - not like when it falls out from chemo. I just stand in the shower and rub & pluck the hair out of my head. I'm bummed to lose my hair again, just as it was starting to grow back after losing it last August on Halaven.
Losing hair twice in 6mos - that's a new record for me, and a total of 4 times lost now in these 10 years.
At least my eyebrows & eyelashes have come back in and aren't going to fall out.
I'm off to San Francisco and Hawaii for 2 weeks to be with my family and rest and get refocused.
Just want to feel like myself again~

Keeping the Faith~

Dx-5/17/02 - 33 yo; Stage IV
L IDC w/single liver met
1) Herceptin + Navelbine x 8 weeks - No response; progress to innumerable,immeasureable liver mets
2) ISIS 2504 + Herceptin - 6 mos, partial response
3) Taxol + Herceptin x 13 weeks to NED!
NED for 1 year
9/04 - Single liver lesion recurrence
Taxol + Herceptin - on/off to beat back lesion
12/05 - R Hepatectomy; Liver NED until 2009
3/06- Local recurrence - Left breast, IDC & DCIS, but holding treatment while continue to heal from Hepatectomy.
12/06 - L mastectomy + reconstruction through 8/07
10/07 - Recurrence - supraclav nodes
4) Gemzar + Herceptin - on/off controlling nodes thru
9/08 - 7wks Rads to supraclav nodes
10/08 - Acute Renal Failure - nodes in belly stricturing kidneys. placed permanent ureteral stents
Back on Gemzar + Herceptin, but no longer responding.
5) 05/09 - Tykerb + Xeloda - partial response x 5 mos
6) 10/09 - Xeloda + Herceptin - no response, disease progresses
7) 2/10- Ixempra + Herceptin - partial response x 12 wks.
Discovered single brain lesion x 4mm & liver lesions growing while screening for TDM1 + PI3Kinase study.
6/10 - Novalis to treat brain met - SUCCESSFUL!
8) 6/10 - Chemo-embo w/Adriamyacin to de-bulk liver lesion.
9) 8/10 - Screened & Started TDM1 EAP
Immediate response, disease in belly responds dramatically.
2/11- questionable progression of lung nodules
Discontinue TDM1
10) 3/11 - PI3Kinase + Herceptin - intial good response in 1st 6 weeks but LFT's elevated.
11) 7/11-Discontinue PI3Kinase + Herceptin study;
Disease progression - 2 small lesions in colon – docs have never seen this before in BC
11) 8/11 –Start new combo Halaven+Herceptin
10/14/11 -Completed 3 cycles (9 wks)Halaven+Herceptin...
10/18/11 - Scanxiety time -1st scans since starting this regimen
Good interval response, continue on H+H!
10/25/11 – new 2mm questionable spot in brain? Due to Novalis or new disease?
Re-scan in 8 weeks.
1/3/12- Disease progression; 50%increase size & SUV-R lung, middle lobe 6cm lesion.
R supraclav node multiple, miscellaneous nodes in belly. Colon lesions fired up.
12)Herceptin+ metronomic Cytoxan + Methotrexate.
…on a hope & a prayer. Only chemo I haven’t been on is Taxotere.
Hurry up Pertuzumab & TDM1!
Follow Up Brain Scan on 1/18/12…pleasepleaseplease be okay. I can’t take much more.
1/18/2012- 8 new spots in 8 weeks since last Brain MRI
one 2cm spot in brain stem, one 2cm spot in R temporal lobe.
No symptoms, Thank God
1/25/12 – Start WBR x 15 rounds.
US guided biopsy of supraclav node CAN'T FIND IT!
2/14/12 - FINISH 15 rounds WBR
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