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Old 08-08-2005, 11:40 PM   #4
Posts: n/a
Hi, I had it done on my birthday of all day, but I never forget to have a PAP smear that way. I was all over the place with my period, chemo put me into early menopause so my doc recommended it because pregnancy was a worse risk. I must admit I felt uncomfortable for a week, when they do the surery they blow your stomach up and have a look closely at your other organs while they are there, for me they were fine. I am not hormone responsive and to take the pill was a big risk and Tamoxefin was of no use so I take Aromasin instead which works on post menopausal women. I know I have no eostrogen because when I had a PAP done it came back unsatisfactory so I had to have it redone in 6 weeks while using an eostrogen cream for a week, next time it came back OK, so in a way is was a relief to no that that there is no eostrogen for the BC to feed off, it was never an option that it may stir up the cancer and have a reoccurence. Hope this helps.

Hugs Lyn
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