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Old 04-07-2005, 07:45 PM   #10
Posts: n/a
Lolly and Eric,
Oh, I am sorry, it has been a few days since I checked this kids have taken over our computer and the beautiful weather has been distracting...anyway....
Lolly, I started out with very itchy skin (primarily on my shins, under my arms and over the site where they did a lumpectomy)..then the hives erupted..but they are few and far between, and are easily controlled with benedryl...the occurances are getting less and less severe as time passes so I assume it was the penecillum I was on. The hives always disappear within minutes of my morning dose of it makes me wonder if there is a cause/effect.
Also, I was wondering what kind of diet everyone is on and if diet effects severity of our stage 4...I will post that question on the main page.
Lolly, I will still miss you...I am flying out on 4/25; my apptment is 8 am on 4/26 and I am flying back at 2 pm on 4/26. This is the first time I have done it in 2 days; we will see how it works out.
And ERIC! Sadly, I am paying privately for these trips. I had heard a whisper about the corporate program; but frankly, did not know enough to check it out. These visits cost me in total about $500 per month...thank God my disablilty was recently you have any more info on the corporate program?
Oh, Lolly; thank you for sharing the info on the herstatin...VERY seems like we are just around the cornor from a real break through on this disease....
Well enough to bed...please take care of yourselves...and maybe one of these months our visits will overlap...
Love Kim
pps, My May visit is on the 20th...
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