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Old 03-08-2013, 03:08 AM   #11
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Re: MD Anderson's charges

Interesting discussion. I just thought that a university affiliated hospital would be less expensive.
Did you notice that the health insurance companies pay 5 times what arms dealers pay in lobbying. Why?
I just hope everyone finds a way to get the care they need to stay alive; healthcare shouldn't be a luxury. I say that as a doctor's daughter. Why does the US pay more for drugs than Canada, the UK and Europe pays? and why did the Congress make it a law that Medicare can't negotiate the prices!!! a law! Think how much Medicare could save if it could negotiate the price it pays like everywhere else in the world.
Those who lose their jobs at 55 yrs have trouble finding new jobs and keeping up with their insurance.
Maybe those of you who know of great low cost or free clinics for cancer treatment could make a list of them, that way if there are members with financial problems, they would have a solution at hand, what do you think?
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