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Old 10-08-2012, 01:07 PM   #30
Andrea Barnett Budin
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: LAND OF YES! w/home in Boca Raton, Florida Orig from L.I., N.Y. Ever hovering IN THE NOW...
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Finding your power...!

Canser isn't a horrible foe.

It wins when you give your power away -- to fear and sadness. I say, consciously use your power of choice. Don't allow those passionately energized emotions rule your life.

I don't hate canser. It is a stupid mindless dysfunction of the body. I spend my time and energy focused on healing and being well and alive. I use my power for good (like Superman/SuperWoman)!

I seek to embrace: Love, compassion, understanding, caring, thoughtfulness, generosity of Spirit and my time!

I try to remain full of Awareness and in awe of my many blessings and the beauty of this world. (I can walk and talk, feed and bathe myself) The colors of nature delight me! They are alive with energy. I let my energy mingle with that awesome force of Life. I feel my Oneness...
I try to be, forgiving (the noblest and most challenging of human goals)! I am always humbly gratitude! I say, Thank you for my life with all my heart every single day.
I Know that being connected to my Spirit (my Higher Self, my divine connection to my Source) is where I need to place my attention, all day, all night, every day, every night.

I've been gifted with Personal Authentic Empowerment since the moment I drew my first breath. As have YOU! Claim your birthright.

All this arms you against this canser thing and all adversities in Life. We can find joy and serenity, even in the midst of battling for our life. Survival is an art. A mindset.

From first being dx, I have felt compelled to live AS IF what I wanted and what I was working my way toward manifesting in this world -- ALREADY existed.

I KNEW I was drawing my desired outcome to myself, with the power of my thoughts, with my every word and act.

I Know that my body hears everything I think, say or whisper. It takes it all quite seriously. Its' job is to follow your mind's commands.

The Universe also senses, and responds to, the energy we emit. It responds IN KIND.
Call loving energy to yourSelf! Stop hating. Stop giving your power away. Please.

Troll the ideas banging around in your brain. Summarily reject all the noxious ones. They are poisoning your life.

Listen to your Inner Voice, not the noise of others who may be full of education and experience but are overcome by the lousy statistics. That's not a place you want to inhabit.

You are a walking miracle. Make it your business to prove the doom and gloomers wrong. Let the world see that miracles can and do happen. Be a miracle.

Andi BB
'95 post-meno dx Invasive LOBULAR w/9cm tumor! YIKES + 2/21 nodes. Clear mammo 10 mnths earlier. Mastec/tram flap reconst/PORT/8 mnths chemo (4Adria/8CMF). Borderline ER/PR. Tamoxifen 2 yrs. Felt BLESSED. I could walk and talk, feed and bathe myself! I KNEW I would survive...

'98 -- multiple mets to liver. HER2+ 80%. ER/PR- Raging, highly aggressive tumors spreading fast. New PORT. 9 mnths Taxotere Fought fire w/fire! Pronounced in cautious remission 5/99. Taxotere weekly for 6 wks, 2 wks off -- for 9 mnths. TALK ABOUT GRUELING! (I believe they've altered that protocol since those days -- sure hope so!!)
+ good old Vit H wkly for 1st 3 yrs, then triple dosage ev 3 wks for 7 yrs more... The "easy" chemo, right?! Not a walk in the park, but not a freight train coming at 'ya either...

Added Herceptin Nov '98 (6 wks after FDA fast-tracked it for met bc). Stayed w/Vit H till July '08! Now I AM FREE! Humbly and eternally grateful for this life-saving drug! NED since '99 and planning on keeping it that way. To hell w/poor prognosis and nasty stats! STOPPED VIT H JULY '08...! REMAIN STABLE... Eternally grateful...Yes is a world & in this world of yes live (skillfully curled) all worlds ... (e e cummings) EVERY DAY I BEAT MY PREVIOUS RECORD FOR # OF CONSECUTIVE DAYS I'VE STAYED ALIVE. Smile KNOWING you too can be a miracle. Up to me and God now...
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