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Old 09-26-2009, 06:35 AM   #13
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Re: Breast cancer, and seeking advice


I used to be a nutritional counselor in my college days, back in the early-mid 90's. I was trained by the diet center I worked for. What worked best for my clients is several small low fat meals through out the day along with exercise ofcourse. For example, a low fat breakfast then about 1-2 hrs later a small mid morning snack. Lunch about 1-2 hrs later a mid afternoon snack. A sensible dinner but not too late into the evening. At least 8-8oz of water to flush out the body. Back then we made the meal plans low fat and low carbs (usually complex carbs).

I had clients that would try to eat less than they were supposed to and ended up not losing or actally gaining weight b/c their body would go into starvation mode. I wonder is this what is happening to you? Since, obviously you've worked hard on your own and understand the frustration you are experiencing.

Based on my experience, I'm wondering you're not consuming enough calories or the type of calories you are consuming i.e. carbs.

For my body chemisty I can eat all the veggies, dip, cheese and protein I want and will not gain (actually I might even lose weight) but my body is extremely sensitive to carbs. I swear that if I just look at carbs I gain weight. If I diet, my diet has to be extremely low carb. I can't elliminate carbs all together, or I don't feel good I end up with a migraine.

Curves does have an excellent program (atleast that's what I've heard) but the time commitment is extreme. I never go to a gym b/c of time constraints with work and 3 young children (2 of them play multiple sports each) I have no time to run to the gym. What has helped me is I try to go for brisk walks all year round (despite the weather) according to my Physical Therapist, walks are great for those who have a bad back. Many times with a flashlight (at night) with the winter gear, or rain coat if necessary. Hand weights at least 3 times a week. I use the exercise ball ( the web has alot of work outs). Lastly, I found belly dancing to be fun. I bought the DVD's from Amazon. There's a few DVD's by Rania "Belly Dancing Fitness for Weight Loss" to be my favorite. We all have to incorporate work outs that we enjoy and work for our type of lifestyle. There are exercises that can be downloaded off the internet for just a few dollars. I think my local fitness channel has this offer. If your inerested, let me know and I'll try to get the actual websit.

I hope you find a happy medium that works for you. You've always been very helpfull with advice and I hope that someone on this site is able to do the same for you.
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