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Old 05-23-2014, 09:45 AM   #18
Freaked Out
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 6
Re: Just Starting Our Fight, Help.

To all of you, I simply do not know what to say. I am completely overwhelmed by the responses I am receiving. I did see that there was a lot of good information on here to be found, but I did not expect the reaching out/support. This is truly awesome. I have not shared this with Stacy yet, it's kind of been my support and "go to" place. But after seeing how the folks seem to really care and share info, I am going to at least offer her a chance to look into it. Not sure if she is ready to do that or not.

We have two you daughters at home so she has worried about everything from getting healthy so that she is around to see them grow up to not looking like "mom" in the near future. I must say that as vain as it sounds she is having a hard time with the loss of hair. Stacy has the most gorgeous, natural curly hair and a lot of it. She gets told how much everyone would love to have hair like hers a few times a week. We discussed the cold caps but the Doc said that it will not work for her and that she will lose it for sure. As sad as that makes her, she recently watched a video of a woman talking about losing her eyelashes etc and that seemed to upset her even more. Stacy is very strong and has spent her life helping others so it's a little hard for her being the on the other side. She turns 40 this weekend and gets her first chemo treatment 4 days after her birthday. NOT FUN. But we will remain and positive as we can and keep our chin up. She is thinking about cutting her hair really short (not shaving it) so that she has some control over the situation.

I forgot to say, we did recently get a good report! The CT and bone scan reports came back clear. Waiting on these results was very stressful since we have not had many positive things happen during all of this.

I really can't thank yall enough for everything. I have found myself smiling several times while reading and replying to the above messages. You ladies ROCK!
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