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Old 10-26-2007, 04:02 PM   #13
Senorina's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Sacramento, CA
Posts: 14
I just ended my one year of Herceptin last month. I did it every three weeks. My Herceptin program started 6 weeks after completed A/C chemo treatments. (I think after going through chemo, nothing can be worst). My symptoms were, and are, as follows:

1. My first loading dose landed me in the ER the first night. I had a fever of 102 and strong chills.
2. After my first treatment, I took Decadron, Tylenol, and Claritin before every treatment.
3. For the first few months, I experienced the usual flu-like symptoms.
4. The more time that went by, the less severe the symptoms became.
5. I struggled with Decadron. It made me breakout like a teenager, I became very sensitive to the sun, my face would get red for the first couple of days, My heart would beat faster than normal for the first few days.
6. For the entire year, I also struggled with nasal congestion. I noticed it getting much better since I've been off of it.
7. Taking Caritin every day for the first week helped with the allergic reactions. Claritin-D really helps.
8. Over time my body did get used to it and the symptoms weren't so severe, but my MUGA scan dropped to 50% at one point.
9. It went back up after that. (I went on CoQ10.)

I hope this helps.
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