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Old 09-12-2015, 04:02 PM   #8
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Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 474
Re: Pertuzumab not "cost effective"?!


I cant answer you about Herceptin. I closed my pharmacy in 1994 and Herceptin started being used around 2000. Besides I had a reetail pharmacy and herceptin, Perjeta etc are injectables. The Hospital pharmacists could tell you much more than I could.

As far as why doesnt the UK negotiate prices Ill give you a very inadequate answer based on info Ive skimmed over. You have to think of the political term "sphere of Influence." The United States and the United Kingdom are in each others "Sphere" so
politically there is a fear of "stepping on toes." Egypt is not in this sphere. Eighty Four tablets of Sovoldi (related to Harvoni for hepatitis C-Harvoni is Sovaldi plus another drug) costs about 900 dollars. Cost in the USA, 95,000 dollars.

From what Ive skimmed theses countries say to the Drug companies " Here is what we will pay, take it or leave it. If you wont take it well forget your patent and make it ourselves." If teens can make methamphetamine from Pseudoephedrine Im sure professional chemists in the various cointries can make Lapatanib, Xeloda whatever. What could be done to Nepal, Burma, Albania, Egypt etc. They are not in our economic sphere of influence. The UK is, Singapore might be, some countries in Europe. This is why these drugs are sold so cheaply.

I was thinking of you and the Metaclopropamide ve Prolactin.
Its something to be aware of but I wouldnt worry too much about it. They have used Metaclopropamide to stimulate milk secretion in nursing women by increasing Prolactin. The dosage of Metaclopropamide used is 30-40mg, much than you were probably taking.

They found increases of breast cancer in women working night shifts. They thin it is because these nurses dont get the melatonin surge in the blood from being in the dark at night. Melatonin has definite anti cancer action, definitely in breast cancer. Yet Melatonin stimulates prolactin secretion. Yet my guess is the beneficial action of melatonin against cancer outweighs any "it increases prolactin effect. The whole subject is very complicated and there is a lot of things not clear.

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