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Old 06-16-2007, 04:43 AM   #3
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As many questions as answers. I have looked and not seen to date any trials directly looking at BC and coconut so I am simply raising a possibility.

I recently had a small but annoying problem with dry skin round the nose creases etc. I looked it up on the web and there was a suggestion it might have a fungal or bacterial base similar to "dandruff". Coconut is suggested as a bacterial agent and interestingly strong enough to for it to be suggested it assists in HIV, which would suggest it has more than minimal impact. I am very concious I have moved like many away from saturated fats and probably have a low intake. I would rather avoid steriod creams etc until all else is exhausted. I thought it worth a try and used coconut cream as a "lotion" and newly included some coconut milk and cream in my diet (not very much). It seems to have worked (which is not to say it could not have been something else that cleared the problem). I think coconut it may also have marginally increased my metabolism - the small of my back feels warmer - whichis interesting as well re weight loss claims.

There is nothing simple about fats. They are fundamental to a whole range of the body's functions as well as forming part of its structure.

Lots of trials suggest that diet can reduce the risk of BC and this is another part of diet.

Could Coconut help reduce risk of BC - from what I have read that is a possibility. Several factors add to a ghost of an image that it might. It has been reported on several occasions it assists with weight loss and does seem to moderate mechanisms in the area of weight, which all interconnect.

In very simplistic terms (that is as far as my understanding goes) tumours need to make or acquire fats to grow and the mechanisms they use to do so have some communality with those we use to store and make fats like FAS a mechanism used to make fatty acids from carbohydrates. FAS has been linked to HER2. One of herceptin's mechanisms is to intervene somehow in the fatty acid pathways.

I have not done a huge amount of reading on coconut and PPAR gamma so cannot be more definite, but on the grounds of assisting in weight loss, a suggestion that it helps improves the bodies bacterial resistance, and getting a variety of food it may be worth adding a small amount to widen ones diet, instead of other fats.

It is saturated so caution and moderation as well as the general prudent approach of keeping tabs on blood fats, keeping your doctor advised etc.

I will see what else I can find.

This trial below acknowledges the different impact of different types of fats, and suggested that MCTs in comparison to corn oils did not promote tumours in mice ( I do not know what type of cells OR what the MCT source used was - coconut has a very particular MCT profile and this is in mice)

" Coconut oil is another good example. Formerly used widely in baked goods, this oil is very rich in lauric acid. This fatty acid converts in the intestines into monolaurin, a powerful antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial substance. Coconut oil also contains caprylic acid, also a powerful antifungal. Recent research shows coconut oil to be stimulatory to the immune system and to offer substantial benefits to HIV+ individuals.19-21"

"In addition, they indicate that MCT, due at least in part to their unique structural and physiological properties, exert markedly different effects on mammary tumor development than conventional long chain unsaturated fatty acids."
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