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Old 02-28-2006, 12:41 PM   #2
Posts: n/a

It does reinforce the point of try to stop this dreadful disease with all methods available including diet. I know I prattle on about it - its just the more trials I read the more it is evident our "western" diet is pushing the body to its limits of flexibility and make do and mend by often failing to supply it with what it is used to - particularly as to fats (EXCESS omega SIX over omega three), and natures complex pharmacy generally etc., and most particularly as to omega threes six balance.

Check out figure 1 for example a graph on omega six/three balance and diabetes. A straight line correlation. It shreiks at me - I have been in a rant mood because of it all day. Even if only indicatory is it not worth doing something about.

Why is it so hard to get the message on the importance of fat make up in diet to a wider audience.

Thank you for posting this.

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