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Old 08-25-2005, 02:05 AM   #15
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Overwhelmed, just when I thought I had enough doctors to visit, my heart specialist, which is brilliant after my heart failure 2 years ago and my LV is 57% after continuous Herceptin, I am in Australia and she is American and she is such a wonderful person, we were talking about allllll of my ailments and she is going to refer to me to yet another specialist, so I have my onc, my heart specialist, my orthopaedic specialist for collapsed shoulder, general physician, radiation specialist and now I am getting a specialist in connective tissue disorders, I no longer know what has caused what or what symptoms are from chemo or my worn out body and she would like me to take CQ10 to protect the heart from chemo, I already swallow about 40 pills a day, prescription, herabal and vitamins and washed down with an energy boosting drink. Each time I rearrange my dacron breast that always seems to be in the wrong place, the prothesis is toooo heavy for my shoulder, so I don't think I am ever going to be rid of the thought of BC, and everyone says I look so well so when they say how are you I say wonderful and keep going. My young 17 year old female friend of the family works part time in a super market to subsidise her studies and the customers say why are you so happy all the time, she says just look at me I have all my arms and legs what is there to complain about. But I notice that a lot of people seem to be rubbing me the wrong lately because they whinge about nothing and you think walk a day in my world, they certainly couldn't do a week, and sometimes I feel like I am made of glass and not present when they are supposed to be doing something for me as part of their job, and I don't mean the medical profession. Well I have added my 2 cents. Ihad a bone scan this morning and saw the heart specialist today and tomorrow I have to have my Herceptin because when I went on Tuesday, hooked up to the drip and no one could find the Herceptin, I have been having it for 3 years and no one knew where it came from, turns out the nurse I had a battle with last forgot to order it, lucky the nurses had been given a tune up and were very nice so, yet another week in the life of a BC victim, when shall I retire I am in my 8th year now and on borrowed time since I was supposed to last 2 years and all of my tests are NED, but we know that is not true.

Love & Hugs Lyn
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