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Old 08-24-2005, 09:56 AM   #11
Posts: n/a
What a tremendous outpouring of love and courage you all have expressed here! I am almost overwhelmed by all the feelings you have stirred up, and the admiration I feel for you all. It is almost worth all we go through just to get to know all of you. I am going to print off this whole section, all your posts, and read them over when I feel the need to be inspired. Lisa, you have a way of getting to people's hearts! Joe, what if you make a special permanent file where you can save things like this that are especially valuable to read over and over again. I have read several posts like this in the last few months that I would like to see made available to everyone---they are classics that newcomers ought to be able to read, too, and the posts get lost as new posts come along. To add just a little thought to all the profound things that have been said here: I made it a rule from my very first BCDX 20 years ago never to say to anyone, even if they asked "I have cancer." I've always been careful to say "I am fighting cancer." It's only semantics, but to me it made all the difference. It meant being proactive, not reactive, making me feel I was in charge, not the cancer! Another little thing: I remember back then feeling so useless. I had been working full time in a counseling practice with my husband, feeling very useful and needed. Then suddenly I was totally debilitated, not able to go to work. I complained to my doctor that I was useless, not able to work, really discouraged, and he said something to me I've never forgotten and have told others in the same situation. He said "You aren't useless! You are working harder right now, doing more important work, than you have ever done in your life. You are totally engaged in fighting for your life. Healing from an illness such as yours takes hard physical, mental and spiritual work!" I'll pass that along as my little contribution to the subject of this posting. Lisa, you are not only working hard , fighting hard for yourself, but you are adding immensely to all of us who "know" you on this website. that goes for all of the rest of you who posted here. I am grateful for your example and inspiration, and I know you touch many, many hearts. Hugs, Tricia
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