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Old 11-02-2009, 02:23 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Unhappy Feeling confused & Sad today

new to this support page, this is my 1st post....

My mom was diagnosed on 6/9/09 - stage 4 (b/c the tumors are so large); HER2 + not sure of the other technical data, but we are always told that it is "locally aggressive."

In June via the Pet scan we found that it had not spread anywhere else- no lymph node involvement, etc either. But then in August it spread from the left to rt breast so is now considered "metastatic." Dr says there is no need to do any further CAT or PET scans at this time b/c even if it has spread, they would be treating it the same way.....

She has a port and is doing Herceptin every 3wks; was doing 2 other chemo drugs via the port but those quit working in Aug when it spread and now she is on Xeloda - on 7 days, off 7 days, that seems to have stopped it spreading so far; the info I have read on Xeloda online says it "delays progression for avg of 8.9 months," so that is scary too.. what happens after the 8 months????

Today, mom says she is itching again and had pain shooting through left breast - has not happened since June, so I am not thinking that is a good sign. Trying to stay positive but feeling sad. would really like some support and to connect/talk to someone who has been through this and is doing well! My mom's is rare too b/c it is on the OUTSIDE - looks like cauliflower and the tumors are large - anywhere from raisin size, to grape size, to golf ball sized. Dr. says they cannot be cut off at this point either.

any feedback is welcome, really would like someone to talk to...
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