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Old 10-10-2006, 08:42 AM   #14
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Posts: 87
Good question...Mastectomy after Stage IV?

I'm in a similar situation-and this is a REALLY TOUGH DECISION.
I was dx'd StageIV-liver mets- at primary dx in May 2002. I've since had a lumpectomy,TONS of chemo, Herceptin only, even been NED for a year before a recurrence w/a single liver met. After more wrestling w/The Spot & on/off chemo for another year, I had a liver resection last December. Since then I've been NED, thank God (sort of, i'll explain...) and on Herceptin only, ever since.
Here's the complicated part...8 weeks after my resection, I discovered a "new"lump in my breast,in what seems to be the exact same location as the primary tumor in 2002, only this time surrounded by pervasive, high grade DCIS. I had an excisional biopsy to remove the "new" 1cm invasive disease, but now am vigilantly watching the DCIS w/frequent breast MRI's. If it starts to look "funny" then there's no other option but to have a mastectomy.In the meantime, we watch & wait,but I continue to wrestle with the question of pursuing the mastectomy, before things look "funny".
Al's post re:stimulating growth factors post surgery is really important to consider. I do believe that was a factor in this invasive spot in my breast popping up, combined with being off Herceptin before & after the liver resection. I think in my body's efforts to heal, all those growth factors FIRED UP, stimulating healing & re-growth everywhere. Good for my liver, BAD for HER2+ cells!Also, being off Herceptin left me unprotected & vulnerable. One GOOD THING, is I believe you can stay on schedule w/Herceptin & don't have take a break to accomodate a mastectomy...?
So many questions....If I'd had a mastec back in 2002, inspite of the "Barn-door-already-open" philosophy, I might not be dealing with this today...?Hindsight is 20/20...There is no "RIGHT" decision, only what feels right to you.

I haven't decided yet either-the last thing I want is for that DCIS to fire up, become invasive, break off a piece & invade my poor NEW liver, or anything else for that matter.

The bottom line is this disease, at this stage, must be viewed as a chronic one. We can only do the best we can, make the best decisions we can, with the information available to us, and what our instinct guides us towards.
In the meantime, those scientists just keep cranking away at a CURE, if not more manageable, chronic treatment!

Prayers, Faith & Courage~
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