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Old 08-16-2008, 06:20 AM   #1
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Angry history of environmental estrogn release

I challenge you to read this article, describing the historical release of estrogen disrupting compounds into the earth. I read with anger and shock concerning early twentieth physicians' and the FDA's lack of interest to protect women and the public from the release of DES and other estrogens. After reading this article, no wonder 1 in 8 women get breast cancer with estrogen compounds floating in the environment. It's just sickening to know that not only politics, but our female gender was a reason to abuse and not protect women from estrogens...simply appauling!
" After this court case, the FDA leadership decided to deal with scientific uncertainty with a compromise, allowing the drug,DES, to be available only with a prescription—a novel idea at the time—while requiring elaborate warnings about possible toxic and carcinogenic effects. Yet because they did not trust patients, particularly female patients, to judge medical information, regulators within the FDA insisted that these warnings be made available only on a separate circular that patients would not see. Doctors could get this warning circular only by writing to the drug companies and requesting it. Letters between companies and FDA regulators reveal that both groups feared that if a woman ever saw how many potential risks DES might present, she might refuse to take the drug—or else she might sue the company and the prescribing doctors if she did get cancer or liver damage after taking the drug. Since most doctors were unwilling to write off for a special circular before prescribing a heavily promoted drug, the distrust of female patients meant that few clinicians and fewer patients ever had any idea that the drug was toxic. The compromise solution foundered its assumptions about women's untrustworthiness as patients."
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PS. The pill is another whole issue of estrogen release and deception. From its beginning, never was a pill produced for so many people without medical necessity and without concern or warning of deleterious side effects regarding breast and other cancers. As a result, I consider the birth control one of largest and longest running human trials that has ever existed without informed consent.Researchers now know that it is responsible for increase rates of breast cancer, even for just 6 months use, particularly prior to first pregnancy. Yet there still is no black box warning or informed consent to young women prescribed these medications concerning the cancer risks. Just another outrageous example of how the FDA is not properly regulating female hormonal drugs to protect women."

2002- dx her2 positive DCIS/bc TX Mast, herceptin chemo

Last edited by RobinP; 08-24-2008 at 05:40 AM..
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