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Old 12-15-2011, 09:43 AM   #19
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Re: Lower back pain - when to worry?

Hi everyone,

I went to my primary care yesterday to get my pain checked and she said I have "lumbar paraspinal muscle spasms" probably caused by overuse or some kind of injury. She gave me a referral to physical therapy and prescribed a muscle relaxant. She's pretty sure it is not in the bones as I didn't feel any pain when she was pressing on them. The consensus seems to be that bone mets would cause pain in the bone itself. I know this is not always the case, but it's probably a good rule of thumb to abide by.

I was very happy to hear "muscle spasms" especially since my pain seemed to get worse last week and I was getting worried.

Another very, very exciting thing that happened at my doctor visit was that when I talked to the doctor about not having had a period since August, she suggested a blood test to check my hormone levels and I asked her to add the Alkaline phosphatase test. I headed down to the lab and told the nurse that I had a port. She said she couldn't access a port there, but I said no problem, you can always use my hand. She asked me if I wanted her to try my veins in my arm and I said sure, go ahead. No one has been able to get any blood from there since 2009. But guess what?? She did!!!! I was never happier to see blood flowing freely through my veins

I'll now consider removing my port
ER+ (30%)/PR-/HER-2+, stage 3

Diagnosed on 02/18/09 at 38 with a huge 12x10 cm tumor, after a 6 month delay. Told I was too young and had no risk factors. Found swollen node during breastfeeding.
March-August 09: neo-adjuvant chemo, part of a trial at Stanford (4 DD A/C, 4 Taxotere with daily Tykerb), loading dose of Herceptin
08/12/09 - bye bye boobies (bilateral mastectomy)
08/24/09 - path report shows 100 % success in breast tissue (no cancer there, yay!), 98 % success in lymphatic invasion, and even though 11/13 nodes were still positive, > 95 % of the tumor in them was killed. Hoping for the best!
September-October 09: rads with daily Xeloda
02/25/10 - Cholecystectomy
05/27/10 - Bone scan clear
06/14/10 - CT scan clear, ovarian cyst found
07/27/10 - Done with Herceptin!
02/15/11 - MVA-BN HER-2 vaccine trial
03/15/11 - First CA 15-3: 12.7 and normal, yay!
10/01/11 - Bone scan and CT scan clear, fatty liver found
now on Tamoxifen and Aspirin

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