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Old 08-04-2009, 06:47 PM   #6
Posts: n/a
Red face Re: herceptin + tykerb (no xeloda)

I began taking Herceptin and Tykerb last November in a clinical trial for early stage HER2+. Actually my cancer was diagnosed stage 3 because evern though my tumor was 3cm, I had 21 positive lymph nodes. I was very lucky, there were no other organs involved, so I was able to get into this trial. The first 12 weeks (this actually turned into 14 weeks because two weeks my meds had to be held because of low WBC and fever) I also received Taxol. These treatments were weekly. In Feburary I began taking the Herceptin evey three weeks and the Tykerb continued on a daily basis. I will take both of these a total of one year and will finish before Thankgiving.

The study had reduced the initial dosage to 750 my as long as the patients are also receiving Taxol. I had sever diarrhea, so they dropped my dose to 500 mg during those first 14 weeks. Now I take 750 mg and have learned to manage some of the side effects. A low fiber diet that aviods fresh fruits, vegs, and whole wheat bread has really helped. I also aviod dairy products. I do still have some cramping and loose stools though. I take 2 Imodiums and 1 Lomotil at a time and I have found this helps me. A number of women have dropped out of the study because of this.

I do have fatigue, but it is much better than when I was taking regular chemo. The Tykerb also causes me to have very sore fingers and toes. They will bleed when bumped and I have had to see a poditritist twice for ingrown toenails.

However, I look upon these side effects as aggravations. When I first began treatment I had Adromycin and Cytoxin for eight weeks. I have also had radiation. I feel so much better now that I am on only Herceptin and Tykerb. My blood work in normal and my liver functions are too. I am beginning to get my life back!!

Good luck to you. You will be in my prayers.
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