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Old 03-17-2006, 10:59 AM   #15
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I see a nutritionist at my oncology center. All supplements are approved by my onc. When adding new supplements, you should add them one at a time so if you have any reactions (bad digestion problems) you know which one is causing it...

Actenol (for osteoporosis 1x per week) (I'd never remember the once a
month pill)
Multi vitamin
Acidophilus (2 tbs before each meal) (for digestion)
Ester C
Total EFA (omega 3) (some people complain that if you burp, it smells fishy - keep refrigerated and this won't happen)
Co Enzyme 10
Milk Thistle (for the liver)
Mushroom Complex (Maitake, Shiitake & Reishi)
Noni juice (one small shot every morning)

I cook with olive or canola oil, add flax seeds to sauces and salads, try to stay away from white food (rice, potatoes, bread) and use the more colorful stuff. Right now I am addicted to Pepperidge Farm's 15 grain bread (it's got flax seeds too). I love the nuttiness and crunch of it. Fresh fish is a must, one or two lean beef meals per week, lots of fruit, whole wheat pancakes with fresh blueberries (Aunt Jemima make a whole wheat mix - but it's hard to find), and I eat at least one fresh mushroom (Maitaki & Shiitaki) meal a week (omlete or sauteed) (Trader Joe's has fresh Maitaki). I also drink grape juice (no sugar) and pomagrant because I like them - if it helps all the better...
Stage IV Inflammatory BC 1/00
Mod Rad Mastectomy 24nod/5+
Adriomycin Cytoxin Taxol
Tamoxifen 4 1/2 yrs
Radiation - 32 x
Metastatic BC lung/liver 10/04
thorocentesis 2x - pleurodesis
Herceptin Taxatiere Carbo
BC NED 4/05
chemo induced Acute Myeloid Leukemia 5/06
Induction/consolidation chemo
bone marrow transplant - 11/3/06
Severe Host vs Graft Disease of liver
BC mets to lung 11/07
Fasoladex Herceptin Zometa Xeloda
GVHD/Iron overload to liver
Avascular Necrosis/morphine pump 10/10
metastatic brain tumor
steriotactic radiosurgery
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