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Old 03-17-2006, 07:46 AM   #14
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 87
I was diagnosed 6 years ago Stage IIb, 2.5 cm, 11/13 lymph nodes positive. I had a 4 week wait between the mammogram (after I found the lump) and surgery. During that time, I decided to see what I could do myself. I started a "modified macrobiotic diet." I had broccoli, brown rice, grapefruit and green tea every day. I ate salmon at least 2-3 times a week, but strongly limited other meats. I added other fruits and vegetables to add some variety. For supplements, I just took a multivitamin and echinacea. Additionally, I did guided imagery. At the end of the one month, the surgeon was amazed because I had shrunk the tumor on my own.

I tried to stay on this, but as time passed, I got less disciplined.

Dose dense, high intensity ACT, rads, 5 years tamoxifen. Herceptin was just starting clinical trials for Stage III at the time. We discussed but decided against it then.

Now, 6 years later, I had a recurrance in a pulmonary lymph node (close to where the initial tumor was) and potentially in the lungs. I say potentially because the nodules were too small for a needle biopsy and I refused to do a surgical biopsy.
I started back on my diet. (Why do I have to be slapped in the face to do what's good for me?) I have not been as disciplined this time, but I strive for 7-9 servings of fruits and vegetables, as much salmon and tuna (usually from a can before of the mercury issues) as I can possibly stand, limited other meats, 1-2 servings of beans 5 out of 7 days. I use olive oil to cook with and to make salad dressings. I use a lot of spices esp. tumeric. (A friend of mine gave me some tumeric root to eat - it looks like a carrot, but doesn't taste like one. I plan to start eating that regularly.) I also drink tea several times a day - I rotate to try to alleviate the boredom factor - green, white and red (roibos).

For supplements, I take a multivitamin, magnesium (based on comments from this board), CoQ10 (for Herceptin), fish oil capsules (when I don't have enough fish) and Glucosamine (when I have joint pain).

I have completed 5 months of Navelbine and Herceptin. I had a PET scan this week showing NED. YEAH!!! I will continue on Herceptin indefinitely or until we have more data. I would love to be able to stop, but I'm not brave enough at this time.

I love to read what has worked and is working for others. This board is wonderful.
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