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Old 08-05-2008, 05:11 PM   #7
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Loveher, like Lee has said, you are a caregiver to your mom. Don't beat yourself up or worry about what has happened in the past. I'm sure your mom doesn't. I can't imagine how tough all of this is on you, but I'm so glad that you have found this group for support. As a caregiver, whether it be a physical or emotional caregiver, or both, you must take care of yourself. If you allow yourself to get sick, or run down, or become weak, you cannot be as effective in helping your mom. Please eat as healthy as possible, get enough sleep, and walk or exercise as much as you can. Right now your mom is as worried about you as you are about her, maybe more so. If you are eating well and resting, it will show, and you can be more supportive and stronger in helping her get through this. You need to take time out for yourself, honey. I know you have so much going on right now, with school and everything, but please take time out to pray or meditate, and calm your spirit frequently. If you are strong and confident, that strength and confidence will convey to your mother and help her. And when you feel like crying or venting, please come here. We will always be here for you.
For Nicola
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