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Old 09-09-2011, 12:03 PM   #27
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Posts: 21
Wink Re: What would you do?

Tricia, Dana and Sheila !!! @ Sheila the first X-rays were actually of my lower back and they just happened to "pick up" this spot that my Onc said looked like a fracture to him, so it was my Onc who ordered a set of Rib X-rays specifically to see this "spot" on the right 6th rib. I have a lot of lower back and pelvic area pain... and initially when I was in urgent care ( I live in Southern California so I have Kaiser Ins.) over my back hurting me so bad THE urgent care Dr. ordered the X-rays of the lower back. I always thought my back hurt so bad because I had the dbl Tram Flap Reconstruction procedure and lost my core muscle group and my back had to do all the work that my abs could no longer due because they were do. But when they did those X-rays they also found in my lower back Arthritis which I am sure its from the loss of hormones (??) I am just in a lot of back pain and I have never had any major injuries other than the 9 surgeries I had for cancer. But thats how this spot was first detected on an X-ray to begin with. I blew off all this pain as this or that... even thinking it might be my bed so I went out and bought one of those memory foam mattress toppers, thought it was a pinched nerve in my right shoulder causing this pain. But Yes girls I am soooo anxious to figure this puzzle out and I am really bothered with my Onc for telling me that he didn't want to go chasing cancer??? I wanted to ask him what kind of OLOGIST are YOU then... because thats your job!!! But I didn't :-( You know I am suppose to be NED right now and he said if he does a PET/Ct that it's gonna light up somewhere because I was stage 3c with 9/27 positive nodes......I thought NED meant that there was no evidence of disease and if I lit up somewhere then thats evidence to me and that means to me I should be in treatment for it because it would be large enough to detect therefor large enough to treat. I can understand that one can have microscopic disease that is too small for detection and until it gets picked up on a scan they can't say for sure that it is or isn't there right? but come on to tell me I am going to light up and still call me NED baffles soon as I get my PET/CT results no matter what they are I am switching to our local cancer center and their group of Doctors!!!!
10/06 -31 years old then had pain in RT breast/Discovered Lump
Dr.s Dx was "it's just an infection" "your too young" "breast cancer doesn't hurt" HUH???
Mammo and Ultrasound found 3 seperate masses largest being 7cm. Dr was sure they were an old breast infection, gave me antibiotics and sent me on my way. after three months of 4 rounds of antibiotics and fighting with the Dr. Finally had a 2nd Dr listen to me and had surgery
1/4/07 Surgical biopsy done :-(
DX stage 3c IDC er+ pr+ Her2+++ 31 years old
2 rounds ACH 6 rounds CTH ,a little healing time and then Mastectomy w/lymph node dissection, 9/27 positive nodes, a little more healing time
5/07 started another 6 rounds of cleanup chemo of CTH- Carboplatin, Taxotere and Herceptin
started Tomoxafin 9/07, Also declared NED 9/07
2009-Lymphedema- sleeve and glove
6-26-11 X-rays show suspicious spot on right 6th rib
8-25-11 another round of X-rays ordered, which also showed same spot on right 6th rib
9-1-11 Onc had bone scan done
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