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Old 07-10-2006, 03:05 AM   #55
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Re P53 gene mutation and fats.

The technicalities are beyond me but the generality seems to be that oxidised fats and particularly omega 6 (AA archidonic acid is a product of omega six.) can induce gene mutation, AND it seems to suggest the body may have some ability to repair them...? (thanks I had not seen anything about this subject before)

"HNE-dG adducts were detected exclusively in incubations with AA."

"It has been reported that 4-HNE treatment in human cells induces a high frequency of G.C to T.A mutations at the third base of codon 249 (AGG*) of the p53 gene, a mutational hot spot in human cancers,"

"Formation of trans-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal- and other enal-derived cyclic DNA adducts from omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and their roles in DNA repair and human p53 gene mutation."

One for your doctor if of interest?


1: Biochemistry. 2003 Jul 1;42(25):7848-54. Related Articles, Links
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Mutational spectrum and genotoxicity of the major lipid peroxidation product, trans-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, induced DNA adducts in nucleotide excision repair-proficient and -deficient human cells.

Feng Z, Hu W, Amin S, Tang MS.

Department of Environmental Medicine, New York University School of Medicine, Tuxedo, New York 10987, USA.

trans-4-Hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE), a major product of lipid peroxidation, is able to interact with DNA to form 6-(1-hydroxyhexanyl)-8-hydroxy-1,N(2)-propano-2'-deoxyguanosine (4-HNE-dG) adducts, but its genotoxicity and mutagenicity remain elusive. It has been reported that 4-HNE treatment in human cells induces a high frequency of G.C to T.A mutations at the third base of codon 249 (AGG*) of the p53 gene, a mutational hot spot in human cancers, particularly in hepatocellular carcinoma. This G.C to T.A transversion at codon 249, however, has been thought to be caused by etheno-DNA adducts induced by the endogenous metabolite of 4-HNE, 2,3-epoxy-4-hydroxynonanal. We have recently found that 4-HNE preferentially forms 4-HNE-dG adducts at the GAGG*C/A sequence in the p53 gene including codon 249 (GAGG*C). Our finding supports the possibility that G.C to T.A mutations at codon 249 may be induced by 4-HNE-dG adducts. To investigate this possibility, we determined the mutational spectrum induced by 4-HNE-dG adducts in the supF gene of shuttle vector pSP189 replicated in human cells. We have found that 4-HNE-dG adducts are mutagenic and genotoxic in human cells, and that G.C to T.A transversions are the most prevalent mutations induced by 4-HNE-dG adducts. Furthermore, 4-HNE-dG adducts induce a significantly higher level of genotoxicity and mutagenicity in nucleotide excision repair (NER)-deficient human and Escherichia coli cells than in NER-proficient cells, indicating that NER is a major pathway for repairing 4-HNE-dG adducts in both human and E. coli cells. Together, these results suggest that 4-HNE-dG adducts may contribute greatly to the G.C to T.A mutation at codon 249 of the p53 gene, and may play an important role in carcinogenesis.

PMID: 12820894 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

1: Chem Res Toxicol. 2002 Mar;15(3):367-72. Related Articles, Links
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Formation of cyclic deoxyguanosine adducts from omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids under oxidative conditions.

Pan J, Chung FL.

Division of Carcinogenesis and Molecular Epidemiology, American Health Foundation, Valhalla, New York 10595, USA.

The discovery of the cyclic 1,N(2)-propanodeoxyguanosine adducts of acrolein (Acr), crotonaldehyde (Cro), and t-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE) as endogenous DNA lesions from lipid peroxidation has raised questions regarding the role of different types of fatty acids as sources for their formation. In this study, we carried out reactions at pH 7 and 37 degrees C with deoxyguanosine 5'-monophosphate and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), including docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), linolenic acid (LNA), and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA); or omega-6 PUFAs, including linoleic acid (LA) and arachidonic acid (AA), each in the presence of ferrous sulfate. The formation of Acr, Cro, and HNE-derived 1,N(2)-propanodeoxyguanosine adducts (Acr-, Cro-, and HNE-dG) in the incubation mixture was determined by reversed-phase HPLC analysis. The results showed that Acr and Cro adducts are primarily derived from omega-3 PUFAs, although Acr adducts are also formed, to a lesser extent, from oxidized AA and LA. HNE-dG adducts were detected exclusively in incubations with AA. The kinetics of the formation of these adducts was determined during incubations for 2 weeks and 5 days. The rate of Acr adduct formation was about 5-10-fold that of Cro adducts, depending on the type of PUFAs, and the rate of formation of HNE adducts from AA was also considerably slower than that of Acr adducts. Unlike other cyclic adducts, the formation of Acr adducts was independent of types of PUFAs, but its yield was proportional to the number of double bonds in the fatty acid. Only one of the isomeric Acr adducts was detected, and its stereoselective formation is consistent with that observed previously in vivo. Two previously unknown cyclic adducts, one derived from pentenal and the other from heptenal, were also detected as products from omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, respectively. This study demonstrated the specificity for the formation of the cyclic adducts of Acr, Cro, and HNE and other related enals by oxidation of omega-3 and omega-6 PUFAs. These results may be important for the understanding of the specific roles of different types of fatty acids in tumorigenesis.

1: Mutat Res. 2003 Oct 29;531(1-2):25-36. Related Articles, Links
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Formation of trans-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal- and other enal-derived cyclic DNA adducts from omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and their roles in DNA repair and human p53 gene mutation.

Chung FL, Pan J, Choudhury S, Roy R, Hu W, Tang MS.

Division of Carcinogenesis and Molecular Epidemiology, Institute for Cancer Prevention, American Health Foundation Cancer Center, Valhalla, NY 10595, USA.

The cyclic 1,N(2)-propanodeoxyguanosine adducts, derived from alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehydes or enals, including acrolein (Acr), crotonaldehyde (Cro), and trans-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE), have been detected as endogenous DNA lesions in rodent and human tissues. Collective evidence has indicated that the oxidative metabolism of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) is an important pathway for endogenous formation of these adducts. In a recent study, we examined the specific role of different types of fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6 PUFAs, in the formation of cyclic adducts of Acr, Cro, and HNE. Our studies showed that the incubation of deoxyguanosine 5'-monophosphate with omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acids under oxidative conditions in the presence of ferrous sulfate yielded different amounts of Acr, Cro, and HNE adducts, depending on the types of fatty acids. We observed that Acr- and Cro-dG adducts are primarily formed from omega-3, and the adducts derived from longer chain enals, such as HNE, were detected exclusively from omega-6 fatty acids. Acr adducts are also formed from omega-6 fatty acids, but to a lesser extent; the yields of Acr adducts are proportional to the number of double bonds present in the PUFAs. Two previously unknown cyclic adducts, one from pentenal and the other from heptenal, were detected as products from omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, respectively. Because omega-6 PUFAs are known to be involved in the promotion of tumorigenesis, we investigated the role of HNE adducts in p53 gene mutation by mapping the HNE binding to the human p53 gene with UvrABC nuclease and determined the formation of HNE-dG adducts in the gene. The results showed that HNE-dG adducts are preferentially formed in a sequence-specific manner at the third base of codon 249 in the p53 gene, a mutational hotspot in human cancers. The DNA repair study using plasmid DNA containing HNE-dG adducts as a substrate in HeLa cell extracts showed that HNE adducts are readily repaired, and that nucleotide excision repair appears to be a major pathway involved. Together, results of these studies provide a better understanding of the involvement of different PUFAs in DNA damage and their possible roles in tumorigenesis.

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PMID: 14637245 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Last edited by R.B.; 10-24-2008 at 02:59 PM..
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