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Old 09-14-2007, 10:09 AM   #15
Sandy in Silicon Valley
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Tykerb "acne"

Hi, Joy -

I've had a mild case of facial "rash" (more like pimples - red bumps & whiteheads) - mostly on my chin, around my mouth, and now on my temples and forehead. It comes and goes, but so far (I've started my 3rd month straight of 1250mg/day) it has stayed pretty mild.

Here's what I've found effective for me - of course, your mileage may vary!

Regenecare is a topical gel prescription - it is normally used for "wound care". It comes in 3oz tubes, and my onc gave me a prescription for 9oz, so I got 3 tubes for my drug copay, instead of the $25/tube plus shipping that it costs to buy it online.

It contains pure aloe vera, lidocaine and collagen. Basically, it seems to me to "seal" the area of blotches from infection or outside dirt, without drying them out (which, in the case of Tykerb rash, is reported to make the rash worse). It feels like a facial mask, and when I put it on thickly (sometimes, during an especially bad break-out, at night) it sort of flakes & leaves a dried-glue kind of residue that I wash off in the morning, before applying a thinner new coat.

Here's one of many links about the topical gel's effect on EGFR-inhibiting drugs' side effect of rash:

Once the blotches are "sealed", I can put concealer cosmetic over them, blend it in, without rupturing or irritating the bumps. That helps me feel less pizza- faced when I go out.

I, too, am awaiting quarterly brain scans the end of this month - an MRI and MRS, which, when compared, will hopefully let the docs know if the "spot" in my right caudate, that has been slowly growing since Oct 06, is indicative of radiation injury (I had CyberKnife tx in that exact spot in July 05) or re-growing bcmets.

I'm not on Avastin - due to the brain mets hx and high bp. My tx consists of a Herceptin infusion every 3 weeks, and Tykerb daily.

Thanks for posting your concerns -

Sandy in Silicon Valley
1992 - age 44/ ER-/PR+ Stage II dx - mastectomy, CAF x 6 cycles; Tamoxifen
1997 - BRCA1 mutation dx'd
1998 - ovaries removed
1999 - off Tamoxifen, on Arimidex
2003 - dx'd Stage IV - lymph nodes & lungs. ER-/PR-/HER2neu+++.
Tx: Herceptin & Taxotere (6 cycles).
2005 - 2.9cm x 3.6cm brain tumor. Craniotomy, CyberKnife. 9 mo. staph aureus infection at incision site - 2nd craniotomy. Two small brain mets CyberKnife'd.
2006 - revisit Xeloda - dosage lowered to 2500mg/day, 5 cycles.
2007 - "spot" dx'd on qtrly brain MRI - same location as CyberKnife 7/05. > by 2-4mm per quarter - - radiation injury or re-growing cancer? Tykerb added to Herceptin - July, still "watching & waiting". Otherwise, fully functional...

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