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Old 09-13-2007, 05:45 AM   #2
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I put off checking out my lump for a couple of months beacause I didn't have insurance. When I did go I almost had the same thing hapen to me. I had scheduled an appointment for a biopsy in Memphis and they were going to do it under one of their grant programs but they called and told me that if I was diagnosed through them that I would not qualify for the Breast and Cervicle Cancer screening program in the state of Mississippi. That was the first I had heard of the program. My primary care physician had not heard of it. I have since been telling everyone that I know about it. I can see that that is not enough. There are still some problems with it but I am very thankful that they told me about in time. Such as finding doctors who take it, lympodema specialists who take it, and I am thankful that I never had a lot of trouble with my white blood cells because I was never offered Neulasta even though everyone I know that was on the same medication I was on got it every time they had chemo. I don't think that it is fair that the working poor and uninsured should be so severely penalized. I had tried to get insurance but was turned down because of health problems in the past. I was looking into the state high risk pool insurance but from what I saw I couldn't afford it.

Some days, I get very discouraged pushing to get the care I need. I don't know that it would be all that different if I had private insurance, I think it might just be another set of problems. Still, I feel very lucky that I found out about the program in time.

In the world of destiny, there are no statistics.
Jan. 26- mammogram and ultrasound- suspicious lump
Mid-February- lumpectomy, infiltrating ductal carcinoma ~4.5 cm and a 1 cm DCIS, did not get clear margins, did not check lymph nodes
ER+/PR+, her2 +++, nuclear grade 3 of 3
February 20-PET scan showed something on liver. No biopsy.
March- Started carboplatin, herceptin, taxol on a four week cycle
May 3- Pet scan, with intent to do a biopsy, found nothing, liver or breast- no biopsy because there is nothing to biopsy
June 21- new onc, very concerned that there had been no biopsy,
June 18th-CAT scan, bone scan-negative
August 7th - Brain MRI-negative
August 9th- mastectomy, all pathology negative
January 2008 still NED! New oncologist -herceptin for full year after chemo- until July, and tamoxifen---negative scans since May '07
July 2008-Finished Herceptin!
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