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Old 10-05-2006, 07:51 AM   #4
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Wink Let it go

Dear Rosie,

There was a time in my life that I would have immediately begun plotting my revenge against which ever thoughtless Cretin had trampled all over me or someone I loved. The problem is that it takes far more energy (negative) to hate someone than it does to ignore them. I was forced to start letting go of such feelings when my Dad was terminally ill years ago. It was a great wakeup call. I saw, as I realized how little time I had left with him, that most of what transpires anywhere in the world in the course of one day is meaningless and inconsequential. Loving your family, friends, and God are what counts.

If I were you, I would simply let my wishes with respect to any funeral arrangements or guest, be known to my immediate family. If you want to make your point to the offending family in a memorable way, leave a small card or note to them to be delivered after your passing. The message might read something like this:

Dear (fill in name of Cretin),

I just wanted to comfort you at this time, and dissolve any guilt you might feel over the insensitve way in which you treated my family, by letting you know that I have forgiven you. We are all on God's Earth for a short time, and should try to be as loving and compassionate as He would be. I am sorry that you did not find my loved ones worthy for whatever reason, but I am sure that they too will forgive you. Most importantly of all, I am assured that God has forgiven you.

I promise you your gesture of thoughfulness will not go unremembered. Forgiveness is one of the most powerful things in the universe. It is also what God wants and expects from you. I certainly don't need to remind you that Christ asked forgiveness for those that pierced his body with spears as He hung on the cross. It doesn't get any better than that.

So spend every moment you have left on this earth, however long that might be, loving your family and your God. They will never disappoint you.


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